Class EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient

  extended by com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
extends java.lang.Object
implements IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient

The EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient class can be used to invoke operations on the EMC Documentum Content Repository Connector service.

Constructor Summary
EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient(ServiceClientFactory serviceFactory)
          Create a EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient using the given service factory
EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient(ServiceClientFactory serviceFactory, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Create a EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient using the given service factory and specified service name
Method Summary
 java.lang.String createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String folderPath)
          This method creates folders in the Documentum Docbase.
 java.lang.String createFoldersWithTypeAndAttributes(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String parentFolderPath, java.lang.String folderName, java.lang.String folderType, java.util.Map attributeNameValueMap)
          Creates folders in the Documentum Docbase of given folder type, and sets folder attributes.
 void createRelationship(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String relationshipType, java.lang.String parentDocumentIDOrPath, java.lang.String childDocumentIDOrPath, java.lang.String childVersionLabel, boolean isPermanentLink, java.lang.String description)
          Creates a relationship of a given type between two Documentum objects.
 void deleteContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String documentGUIDOrPath)
          Deletes a document or folder from the Documentum Docbase.
 java.util.List executeDQLQuery(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String query)
          Executes the DQL query that is passed as a parameter.
 java.util.List executeDQLQuery2(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String query)
          Executes the DQL query that is passed as a parameter.
 java.util.List getAllItemsList(java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String path, boolean showOnlyFolders)
          Returns a list containing all the contents at a given path in the Docbase.
 java.util.List getClassAttributeList(java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String className, boolean includeReadOnlyAttributes)
          Returns a list of attributes for the given className in the given repositoryName.
 java.util.List getClassTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a list of class types supported by the given Docbase.repositoryName value.
 java.util.List getDocumentContentTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a list of all unhidden content-type values supported by the given repositoryName.
 java.util.List getFolderClassTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a list of class types that are subtypes of dm_folder supported by the given repositoryName value.
 IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult getLinkedLCAssetsLocation(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String ecmObjectPath, java.lang.String assetLinkObjectRelationship)
          Fetches a form template repository URL from the native repository, for the given form data object in Documentum Docbase.
 java.util.List getRelated(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String relationshipType, java.lang.String documentIDOrPath, boolean isParent)
          Returns a list of IDs of documents, related to a specified Document by the given relationship type.
 java.util.List getRelationshipTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
          Returns a list of relationship types, which have non-system level security, supported by the given repositoryName.
 java.util.List getRepositoryNameList()
          Returns a list of repositories for the presently configured Documentum connection broker.
 IRetrieveContentResult retrieveContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String documentIDOrPath, java.util.List inAttributeNameList)
          Retrieves a document from the EMC Documentum Docbase.
 void setLinkToLCAssets(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String ecmObjectPath, java.lang.String formTemplateURL, java.lang.String assetLinkObjectRelationship, java.lang.String relationshipDescription)
          Used to link objects, files, or data lying in Documentum Docbase to an asset lying in a native repository.
 IStoreContentResult storeContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings, java.lang.String repositoryName, java.lang.String folderPath, java.lang.String documentClassType, java.lang.String documentContentType, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String documentTitle, java.lang.String documentSubject, java.util.List documentKeywords, Document documentContents, UpdateVersionType updateVersionType, java.util.Map attributeNameValueMap)
          Stores a document with the given contents into the EMC Documentum Docbase, in the specified folder.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient(ServiceClientFactory serviceFactory)
Create a EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient using the given service factory

serviceFactory - A ServiceClientFactory that contains connection properties. For information about connection properties, see Invoking Adobe Experience Manager forms Services.


public EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient(ServiceClientFactory serviceFactory,
                                                            java.lang.String serviceName)
Create a EMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient using the given service factory and specified service name

serviceFactory - A ServiceClientFactory that contains connection properties.
serviceName - The name of the EMC Documentum Content Repository Connector service.
Method Detail


public void createRelationship(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                               java.lang.String repositoryName,
                               java.lang.String relationshipType,
                               java.lang.String parentDocumentIDOrPath,
                               java.lang.String childDocumentIDOrPath,
                               java.lang.String childVersionLabel,
                               boolean isPermanentLink,
                               java.lang.String description)
                        throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Creates a relationship of a given type between two Documentum objects.

Specified by:
createRelationship in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the documents exist.
relationshipType - Required. Type of relationship to be created between parent document and child document.
parentDocumentIDOrPath - Required. ID or path (relative to the docbase) of the object that will constitute as the parent in the relationship. For example, /CabinetName/FolderPath/documentName or 3700008d8000010b. Note: If a path name is specified, it must not include the repositoryName. Also, the path name must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
childDocumentIDOrPath - Required. ID or path (relative to the docbase) of the object that will constitute as the child in the relationship. For example, /CabinetName/FolderPath/documentName or 3700008d8000010b. Note: If a path name is specified, it must not include the repositoryName. Also, the path name must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
childVersionLabel - Optional. Version Label of the specified child document. If set, the chronicle ID of the child document will be used for childDocumentIDOrPath.
isPermanentLink - Required. Indicates whether the relationship should be maintained across versions of the parent document.
description - Optional. Text description of the relationship. If NULL is passed, no description is saved.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
createRelationship(com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.LoginSettings, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.String)


public java.util.List getClassAttributeList(java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                            java.lang.String className,
                                            boolean includeReadOnlyAttributes)
                                     throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of attributes for the given className in the given repositoryName.

Specified by:
getClassAttributeList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase in which the class exists.
className - Required. Name of the class whose attributes are required.
includeReadOnlyAttributes - Required. If false, read-only attributes are not returned in the list.
A list containing attributes for the given class.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
getClassAttributeList(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)


public java.util.List getClassTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
                                throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of class types supported by the given Docbase.repositoryName value. Repository credentials are obtained from the configuration page for EMC Documentum, on the Services page of Adobe Experience Manager forms Administration Console.

Specified by:
getClassTypeList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the classes exist.
A list of supported class types.
RepositoryException - If the required repositoryName parameter is NULL.
See Also:


public java.util.List getFolderClassTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
                                      throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of class types that are subtypes of dm_folder supported by the given repositoryName value.

Specified by:
getFolderClassTypeList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the classes exist.
A list of supported class types for dm_folder.
RepositoryException - If the required repositoryName parameter is NULL.
See Also:


public java.util.List getDocumentContentTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
                                          throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of all unhidden content-type values supported by the given repositoryName.

Specified by:
getDocumentContentTypeList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase whose content types need be returned.
A list of content-type values.
RepositoryException - If the required repositoryName parameter is NULL.
See Also:


public java.util.List getRelated(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                 java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                 java.lang.String relationshipType,
                                 java.lang.String documentIDOrPath,
                                 boolean isParent)
                          throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of IDs of documents, related to a specified Document by the given relationship type.

Specified by:
getRelated in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document exists.
relationshipType - Relationship type between the document and its related documents.
documentIDOrPath - Required. Document whose related document IDs are required. For example, /CabinetName/FolderPath/documentName or 3700008d8000010b. Note: If a path name is specified, it must not include the repositoryName. Also, the path name must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
isParent - Required. If true, IDs for all documents that participate as children (in the given relationship) are returned. If false, IDs for all documents that participate as parent (in the given relationship) are returned.
A list containing IDs of documents related to the given document
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
#getRelated(com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.LoginSettings, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)


public java.util.List getRelationshipTypeList(java.lang.String repositoryName)
                                       throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of relationship types, which have non-system level security, supported by the given repositoryName. Each repositoryName in Documentum, is associated with or contains a given set of relationships denoted by attribute dm_relation_type_s. This method fetches those dm_relation_type_s for which security is not equal to SYSTEM.

Specified by:
getRelationshipTypeList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase.
A list of relationship types.
RepositoryException - If the required repositoryName parameter is NULL.
See Also:


public java.util.List getRepositoryNameList()
                                     throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list of repositories for the presently configured Documentum connection broker. Connection broker settings are specified in the Admin UI settings page.

Specified by:
getRepositoryNameList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
A list containing names of repositories.
RepositoryException - If Documentum throws a run-time error.
See Also:


public IRetrieveContentResult retrieveContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                              java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                              java.lang.String documentIDOrPath,
                                              java.util.List inAttributeNameList)
                                       throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Retrieves a document from the EMC Documentum Docbase.

Specified by:
retrieveContent in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document exists.
documentIDOrPath - Required. Document ID or path of the stored document. For example, /CabinetName/FolderPath/documentName or 3700008d8000010b. Note: If a path name is specified, it must not include the repositoryName. Also, the path name must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
inAttributeNameList - Optional. List containing document attributes and their values. If any of the attribute names are not correct, an exception is thrown.
Information about the created or updated document.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
#retrieveContent(com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.LoginSettings, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List)


public IStoreContentResult storeContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                        java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                        java.lang.String folderPath,
                                        java.lang.String documentClassType,
                                        java.lang.String documentContentType,
                                        java.lang.String documentName,
                                        java.lang.String documentTitle,
                                        java.lang.String documentSubject,
                                        java.util.List documentKeywords,
                                        Document documentContents,
                                        UpdateVersionType updateVersionType,
                                        java.util.Map attributeNameValueMap)
                                 throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Stores a document with the given contents into the EMC Documentum Docbase, in the specified folder. Existing documents are updated. The updated version depends on how the flag updateVersionType flag is set. The stored document is stored as the current version. EMC Documentum does not allow creation of documents directly in the Docbase. Instead select a cabinet for the same.

Specified by:
storeContent in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document exists/will be stored.
folderPath - Required. Folder path where the document will be stored. For example, /CabinetName/Folder. Note: The folder must exist. The supplied folder path must not include the repositoryName. Folder paths must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path. Folder paths are used as provided.
documentClassType - Required. Documentum class for the document. It is used only in case a new document is created.
documentContentType - Required. Content type of the document. For example "PDF".
documentName - Required. Name of the document. This name is used to check whether the document already exists.
documentTitle - Optional. Title of the document.
documentSubject - Optional. Subject of the document.
documentKeywords - Optional. Keywords for the document. Keywords are set in the order they are passed to the method. For an existing document, all previous keywords are deleted. This is an optional parameter.
documentContents - Required. Contents of the document.
updateVersionType - Optional. In case a document is being updated, this parameter sets the version type to be used.
attributeNameValueMap - Optional. Map containing document attributes and their values. These attributes are set on the document. All correct attribute values are set. If an incorrect attribute value is specified, it is not set. This method does not throw an exception if an incorrect attribute value is specified.
Information about the created or updated document.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
storeContent(com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.LoginSettings, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List, com.adobe.idp.Document, com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.UpdateVersionType, java.util.Map)


public java.lang.String createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                      java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                      java.lang.String folderPath)
                               throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
This method creates folders in the Documentum Docbase. If a folder in the given path does not exist, the folder is created. The functionality of this method is equivalent to the UNIX mkdir -p command.

Specified by:
createFolders in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Repository where the document exists, or will be stored.
folderPath - Required. Path of the folder. If any of the folders in the path do not exist, they will be created.
The ObjectId of the leaf folder in the path
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.
See Also:
createFolders(ILoginSettings loginSettings,String repositoryName, String folderPath)


public void setLinkToLCAssets(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                              java.lang.String repositoryName,
                              java.lang.String ecmObjectPath,
                              java.lang.String formTemplateURL,
                              java.lang.String assetLinkObjectRelationship,
                              java.lang.String relationshipDescription)
                       throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Used to link objects, files, or data lying in Documentum Docbase to an asset lying in a native repository. This method creates a new object "Asset Link Object" (ALO), (if it does not already exist) in the Documentum Docbase corresponding to the Form Template URL information (present in the native repository). However, the Form Template URL path is not cross checked for existence at the time of ALO creation. An ALO does not necessarily represent a Form Template in the native repository. This means that an ALO object can also be created for any resource in the native repository. If ecmObjectPath is specified, a relationship between ecmObjectPath (lying in Documentum Docbase)and the ALO is created. If an ALO corresponding to a formTemplateURL already exists, a relationship between the ecmObjectPath and an ALO is created. An ALO, once created, cannot be modified later (Users cannot change the properties of an ALO object, once created).

Specified by:
setLinkToLCAssets in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document exists, or will be stored.
ecmObjectPath - Optional. Path for the corresponding form data. Use a forward slash [/] to denote the path. Folder paths are used as is. If the ecmObjectPath is NULL, only an asset object will be created, and no relationship will be established.
formTemplateURL - Required. Form Template URL. (Preferably, path of an XDP in the native repository). This path is not cross checked for its existence at the time of ALO creation.
assetLinkObjectRelationship - Optional. The name of the relationship between the template and form data.
relationshipDescription - Optional. The description of the relationship.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.


public IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult getLinkedLCAssetsLocation(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                                                  java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                                                  java.lang.String ecmObjectPath,
                                                                  java.lang.String assetLinkObjectRelationship)
                                                           throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Fetches a form template repository URL from the native repository, for the given form data object in Documentum Docbase.

Specified by:
getLinkedLCAssetsLocation in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where form data is kept.
ecmObjectPath - Required. Form data file path. For example, /Folder/FormData.xml. Use a forward slash [/] to denote the path. Folder paths are used as is.
assetLinkObjectRelationship - Optional. Relationship between the form data and the asset link object.
Returns an object of type IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult. This is a complex type, and has the following fields:
  • formTemplateURL: Absolute URL of the form template
  • formTemplateFolderPath: Parent folder path of the form template
  • formTemplateName: Template name
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.


public java.util.List getAllItemsList(java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                      java.lang.String path,
                                      boolean showOnlyFolders)
                               throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Returns a list containing all the contents at a given path in the Docbase.

Specified by:
getAllItemsList in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase that contains the list of items.
path - Optional. Path to the location in the Docbase that contains the items.
showOnlyFolders - Required. Sets what is returned in the list. If set to True, only folders are returned. If set to False, all contents are returned.
A list containing all the items at the given path.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL. repositoryName is a required parameter.


public java.lang.String createFoldersWithTypeAndAttributes(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                                           java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                                           java.lang.String parentFolderPath,
                                                           java.lang.String folderName,
                                                           java.lang.String folderType,
                                                           java.util.Map attributeNameValueMap)
                                                    throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Creates folders in the Documentum Docbase of given folder type, and sets folder attributes. If any folder in the given path does not exist, an exception is thrown. Repository credentials are obtained from the configuration page for EMC Documentum, on the Services page of Adobe Experience Manager forms Administration Console.

Specified by:
createFoldersWithTypeAndAttributes in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document exists, or will be stored.
parentFolderPath - Required. Path of the parent folder. If any of the folders in the path do not exist, they will be created.
folderName - Required. Name of the new folder to be created.
folderType - Optional. Type of the folder. If the path is NULL, a folder of type dm_folder is created.
attributeNameValueMap - Optional. Map containing attributes of the folder. If the given type does not contain any of these attributes then it will throw an exception.
Object ID of the leaf folder in the path
RepositoryException - If user credentials cannot be authenticated.
See Also:
createFoldersWithTypeAndAttributes(com.adobe.livecycle.emcdocumentumcontentrepositoryconnector.client.type.LoginSettings, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)


public void deleteContent(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                          java.lang.String repositoryName,
                          java.lang.String documentGUIDOrPath)
                   throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Deletes a document or folder from the Documentum Docbase. In case of a folder, all sub-folders and contents are deleted. If an exception is thrown while trying to delete a folder or contents, further deletion is stopped. This operation cannot be rolled back. Folders and contents that were deleted cannot be recovered, while folders and contents not deleted will continue to be available.

Specified by:
deleteContent in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the document is stored.
documentGUIDOrPath - Required. Document path or GUID of the document. For example, /CabinetName/FolderPath/documentName or 3700008d8000010b. Note: If a path name is specified, it must not include the repositoryName. Also, the path name must use a forward slash [/] to denote the path.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.


public java.util.List executeDQLQuery(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                      java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                      java.lang.String query)
                               throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Executes the DQL query that is passed as a parameter. Each map entry in the returned list represents a row. The key-value pairs of each map entry are the attributes of the row.

Specified by:
executeDQLQuery in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the query is to be executed.
query - Required. DQL Query String to be executed.
A list for each row returned, containing map of attribute names and values.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.


public java.util.List executeDQLQuery2(ILoginSettings loginSettings,
                                       java.lang.String repositoryName,
                                       java.lang.String query)
                                throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
Executes the DQL query that is passed as a parameter. Returns a list which consists of ExecuteDQLResult objects.Each ExecuteDQLResult object contains a map which represents a row.The key-value pairs of map returned by each ExecuteDQLResult object are the attributes of the row.

Specified by:
executeDQLQuery2 in interface IEMCDocumentumContentRepositoryConnectorServiceClient
loginSettings - Required. Configuration settings required to connect to the EMC Documentum Docbase. You can authenticate using:
  • Invocation Context (no other details in the login settings object)
  • User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Ticket (Documentum Ticket needs to be provided)
repositoryName - Required. Name of the Docbase where the query is to be executed.
query - Required. DQL Query String to be executed.
A list of ExecuteDQLResult corresponding to each row.
RepositoryException - If any of the required parameters are NULL.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]