Package com.adobe.livecycle.crc.sharepoint.client.types

The com.adobe.livecycle.crc.sharepoint.client.types package provides data types and exceptions used when implementing the connector for Microsoft SharePoint Server service.


Class Summary
CreateDocumentResultType Contains Information about absoluteFileURL, relativeFileURL, and a boolean flag indicating success of the operation.
LoginMode Indicates the mode used for logon to SharePoint.
LoginSettings It contains the login mode and appropriate credentials required to connect with a SharePoint server.
SearchDocument Contains information about title, absolutePath, author, sitePath, isDocument, documentLibraryName, relativePath of the document.
SearchFilter This filter allows you specify search criteria thereby paginating the Sharepoint search.
SearchQueryResultType Contains searched documents list, number of search results returned, number of search results available in SharePoint, and a Boolean flag indicating success of the operation.

Package com.adobe.livecycle.crc.sharepoint.client.types Description

The com.adobe.livecycle.crc.sharepoint.client.types package provides data types and exceptions used when implementing the connector for Microsoft SharePoint Server service.

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