
Interface Summary
DirectoryGroupProvider The DirectoryGroupProvider interface defines a mechanism for retrieving the user records that belong to a specific user group from a repository.
DirectoryPrincipalProvider The DirectoryPrincipalProvider interface is the base interface for user and group provider interfaces.
DirectoryUserProvider The DirectoryUserProvider interface defines the mechanism used to retrieve all user records from a given repository.

Class Summary
DirectoryProviderConfig The DirectoryProviderConfig class provides methods for retrieving information about directory service providers from the User Management configuration settings.
DSGroupContainmentRecord The DSGroupContainmentRecord class provides a container for storing and retrieving the user and group records that belong to a group.
DSPrincipalCollection The DSPrincipalCollection class provides a container for storing sets of user records.
DSPrincipalIdRecord The DSPrincipalIdRecord class provides a container for the unique identification of a principal.
DSPrincipalRecord The DSPrincipalRecord class provides a container for storing information that constitutes a User Management user or group record.
GenericGroupConfigBO The GenericGroupConfigBO class provides a container for configuration information of a specific group provider.
GenericUserConfigBO The GenericUserConfigBO class provides a container for configuration information of a specific user provider.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]