Package com.adobe.idp.dsc.transaction

Interface Summary
TransactionCallback This is a callback interface for transactional code.
TransactionContext This interface provides access to contextual information around the current executing transaction.
TransactionDefinition Classes implementing this interface define transaction properties.
TransactionTemplate This interface provides programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling for service managed transactions.

Class Summary
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult Helper class for TransactionCallback implementation.

Exception Summary
IllegalTransactionStateException This exception is thrown when the existence or non-existence of a transaction amounts to an illegal state, according to the transaction propagation behavior that applies.
MarkedForRollbackException A MarkedForRollbackException is thrown for one of three reasons: This transaction has timed-out (the timout period was set to less than the actual time the transaction took). An unhandled runtime exception occurred when calling another service (please check the logs for more detail). This is a JTA transaction and a service has been explicitly marked for rollback.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]