Package com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry

Exception Summary
ComponentNotFoundException An exception indicating that the component was not found.
ConfigParameterNotFoundException An exception indicating that the configuration parameter was not found.
ConnectorNotFoundException An exception indicating that the connector was not found.
DataTypeNotFoundException An exception indicating that the data type was not found.
DuplicateConnectorException An exception indicating that a duplicate connector has been encountered.
DuplicateEndpointCategoryException An exception indicating that a duplicate endpoint category has been encountered.
DuplicateEndpointException An exception indicating that a duplicate endpoint has been encountered.
EndpointCategoryInUseException An exception indicating that the endpoint category was not found.
EndpointCategoryNotFoundException An exception indicating that the endpoint category was not found.
EndpointNotEnabledException An exception indicating that the endpoint was not enabled.
EndpointNotFoundException An exception indicating that the endpoint was not found.
InputParameterNotFoundException An exception indicating that the input parameter was not found.
OperationNotFoundException An exception indicating that an operation for a document service was not found.
OutputParameterNotFoundException An exception indicating that the input parameter was not found.
PermissionGrantNotFoundException An exception indicating that the permission grant was not found.
PropertyEditorNotFoundException An exception indicating that the property editor was not found.
RegistryException An exception indicating that a general registry exception has occurred.
ServiceCategoryNotFoundException An exception indicating that the service category was not found.
ServiceConfigurationNotFoundException An exception indicating that the service configuration was not found.
ServiceDeletionException An exception indicating that the service deletion error has occurred.
ServiceNotFoundException An exception indicating that the service was not found.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]