Interface PropertyContext

public interface PropertyContext

The PropertyContext interface provides a UIComponent instance access to the context of the PropertySheet in which it is being rendered.

Nested Class Summary
static interface PropertyContext.SchemaInfo
          SchemaInfo represents the information extracted to describe a schema associated with a form.
static class PropertyContext.Severity
          Displays a message to user
static class PropertyContext.UserAndGroupBrowserStyle
          Browses for a users and/or groups.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String browseForFilename(java.lang.String[] filter)
          Deprecated. Use ServiceClientfactory.createInstance() instead.
 java.lang.String browseForRepositoryItem(java.lang.String startFromFolder, java.lang.String initialSelection, java.lang.String aTitle, boolean aShowOnlyFolders)
          Presents a RepositoryPicker to the user
 Service browseForService()
          Browses for a service.
 Operation browseForServiceOperation()
          Browses for service operations.
 java.util.List browseForUsersAndGroups(PropertyContext.UserAndGroupBrowserStyle pickWhat)
 java.lang.String browseForXPathExpression()
          Deprecated. Do not use.
 void displayPopupMessage(PropertyContext.Severity severity, java.lang.String msgTitle, java.lang.String msg)
 com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
          Return the application name.
 java.lang.String getBaseFolder()
          Retrieves the project location in order to resolve external references embedded within a schema (such as include/import directives)
 Property getCurrentProperty()
          Retrieves the currently selected property object.
 java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String aParamName)
          Retrieves the value of specified parameter.
 com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.PropertyEditorFilterMode getPropertyEditorFilterMode()
          Returns the current property editor filter mode of the container of this property editor.
 com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.PropertyEditorMode getPropertyEditorMode()
          returns the current mode of the container of this property editor.
 PropertySheet getPropertySheet()
          Retrieves the common interface of the PropertySheet in which the currently selected property editor is running.
 ServiceClientFactory getServiceClientFactory()
          Deprecated. Do not use.
 ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfiguration()
          Retrieves the ServiceConfiguration with which this context is associtated.
 PropertyContext.SchemaInfo loadSchemaFromForm(java.lang.String aFormUrl)
 void renderOperationEditors(java.lang.Object aParentObject, java.lang.Object aServiceCall, com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.UINameIdPair[] aTaskInputChoices, com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.UINameIdPair[] aTaskOutputChoices)
          Provides customized operation rendering

Method Detail


Property getCurrentProperty()
Retrieves the currently selected property object.

The currently selected property object.


PropertySheet getPropertySheet()
Retrieves the common interface of the PropertySheet in which the currently selected property editor is running.

The common interface of the PropertySheet in which the currently selected property editor is running.


java.lang.String getParameter(java.lang.String aParamName)
Retrieves the value of specified parameter. If no such parameter exists, null is returned.

aParamName - The name of the parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
The value of specified parameter.


ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfiguration()
Retrieves the ServiceConfiguration with which this context is associtated.

The ServiceConfiguration instance associated with this context.


ServiceClientFactory getServiceClientFactory()
Deprecated. Do not use.

Retrieves a ServiceClientFactory, which custom property editors can use to connect to the Adobe Experience Manager forms server. In the IDE, the returned ServiceClientFactory is integrated into the IDE's single sign-on information.

a ServiceClientFactory, which custom property editors can use to connect to the Adobe Experience Manager forms server.


java.lang.String browseForFilename(java.lang.String[] filter)
Deprecated. Use ServiceClientfactory.createInstance() instead.

Opens a file browser and retrieves the selected resource.

filter - A list of wildcards on which to filter.
The selected file or folder name, or null if the dialog was cancelled.


Service browseForService()
Browses for a service.

The selected document service, or null if the dialog was cancelled.


Operation browseForServiceOperation()
Browses for service operations.

The selected operation, or null if the dialog was cancelled.


java.lang.String browseForXPathExpression()
Deprecated. Do not use.

Allows the user to construct an XPath expression from the orchestration template environment.

A string containing an XPath expression, or null if the dialog was cancelled.


java.lang.String browseForRepositoryItem(java.lang.String startFromFolder,
                                         java.lang.String initialSelection,
                                         java.lang.String aTitle,
                                         boolean aShowOnlyFolders)
Presents a RepositoryPicker to the user

startFromFolder - a String that indicates the folder hierarchy within which the picker should be constrained. A value of "/" can be used to specify the repository root (in order to allow selection at any location within the repository).
initialSelection - a String representing a RepositoryItem that (if it exists) should be preselected when the picker is initially presented. This value may be null if no special initial selection is desired.
aTitle - a String used for the Dialog's title.
aShowOnlyFolders - a boolean used to limit the selection to only folders
null if the user cancels the dialog, otherwise a String representing the selected RepositoryItem


java.util.List browseForUsersAndGroups(PropertyContext.UserAndGroupBrowserStyle pickWhat)


void displayPopupMessage(PropertyContext.Severity severity,
                         java.lang.String msgTitle,
                         java.lang.String msg)


PropertyContext.SchemaInfo loadSchemaFromForm(java.lang.String aFormUrl)


void renderOperationEditors(java.lang.Object aParentObject,
                            java.lang.Object aServiceCall,
                            com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.UINameIdPair[] aTaskInputChoices,
                            com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.UINameIdPair[] aTaskOutputChoices)
Provides customized operation rendering

aParentObject - an Object in a type applicable for the display surface. When the rendrring occurs within the Eclpse framework, a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite is approprite
aServiceCall - a Object of type com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.type.ServiceCall
aTaskInputChoices -
aTaskOutputChoices -
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the context does not support operation rendering


java.lang.String getBaseFolder()
Retrieves the project location in order to resolve external references embedded within a schema (such as include/import directives)

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if invoked in a context which has no concept of base.


com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.PropertyEditorMode getPropertyEditorMode()
returns the current mode of the container of this property editor. the container is usually workbench. The mode is one of: EDIT - edit mode; user is expected to input values; features like 'browse file' buttons should be enabled READ_ONLY - read only mode; user is not allowed to make changes; 'browse file' buttons should be disabled VIEW_OUTPUT - the editor is in 'view output' mode; UI should be changed to show its values; no user input allowed, e.g. features like 'browse file' buttons should be changed to 'Save..' buttons

the mode in which this property editor is running in


com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.PropertyEditorFilterMode getPropertyEditorFilterMode()
Returns the current property editor filter mode of the container of this property editor. The container is usually Workbench.

Filter Mode in which this property editor is running or NULL if no filter mode is set.


com.adobe.idp.dsc.propertyeditor.ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
Return the application name.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]