Interface InvitedUserProvider

public interface InvitedUserProvider

The InvitedUserProvider interface is implemented to create a custom mechanism that invites users to register with the Rights Management service. The provider uses email addresses to identify the invited users, and these email addresses can be used to send email invitations.

The Rights Management service calls the implementation of this interface when a current Rights Management service user explicitly invites a user to register or when an invited user is added to a policy.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SPECIFICATION_ID
Method Summary
 InvitedUserProviderResult[] invitedUser(java.util.List emails)
          Given a set of email addresses as input, this interface manages inviting the accounts into the system.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String SPECIFICATION_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


InvitedUserProviderResult[] invitedUser(java.util.List emails)
                                        throws java.lang.Exception
Given a set of email addresses as input, this interface manages inviting the accounts into the system. The implementation of this interface should call the User Management method to create a new user object as a part of this invitation process, and then return that in the result in order to determine which users correspond to the specified email addresses.

emails - A list of email identifiers for users who need to be invited.
The array of InvitedUserProviderResult, which contains the email address and user for successful registration cases.

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