2.3 Automatic vs. manual configuration

Although you can use Configuration Manager to configure the application server or cluster and set up data sources to the database, you may prefer to complete these steps manually for the following reasons:

  • You have other applications running on the application server or cluster, and are concerned about possible conflicting configurations.

  • Corporate security procedures for configuration management dictate finer control.

  • You are performing deployments where automatic configuration is not available.

In the manual configuration case, do these tasks:

  • Use Configuration Manager to configure AEM forms on JEE components with the required font, temp, and GDS directories

  • Manually configure the application server, configure data sources, and deploy AEM forms on JEE EAR files

  • Run Configuration Manager to initialize the database

  • Run Configuration Manager to deploy AEM forms on JEE components and validate the AEM forms on JEE component deployment.

  • Configure AEM forms on JEE components.

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