2.4 AEM forms on JEE installation, configuration, and deployment lists
This section includes lists that you can use to step through
the installation and configuration process. A list is provided for
installing and configuring when using either the automatic method
or the manual method.
Automatic method:
Refers to using Configuration
Manager to configure the application server, configure and deploy
AEM forms on JEE EAR files, initialize the database, and deploy
the modules to the server. Use the automatic method if you want
to have limited input into the installation, configuration, and
deployment of AEM forms on JEE.
Manual method:
Refers to using Configuration Manager
only to configure AEM forms on JEE EAR files, initialize the database,
and deploy the modules to the server. Configuring the application
server, connecting to the database, and deploying AEM forms on JEE
EAR files to the server is done manually by the administrator by
following the instructions later in this document. Use the manual
method if you want to have precise input into the installation,
configuration, and deployment of AEM forms on JEE. For example,
this method may be used in a locked-down server environment.