Layout menu
The Layout menu provides commands for arranging
objects in a form design.
Align > Left
Aligns the
left edges of the selected objects to match the position of the
object in the selection that was selected last.
Align > Right
Aligns the right edges of the selected objects to match the position
of the object in the selection that was selected last.
Align > Top
Aligns the top edges of the selected objects to match the
position of the object in the selection that was selected last.
Align > Bottom
Aligns the bottom edges of the selected objects to match
the position of the object in the selection that was selected last.
Align > Vertical Center
Aligns the vertical midpoint of the selected objects.
Align > Horizontal Center
Aligns the horizontal midpoint of the selected objects.
Align > To Grid
Aligns the selected objects to the closest grid point.
Distribute > Across
distributes the selected objects horizontally.
Distribute > Down
distributes the selected objects vertically.
Distribute > In Rows & Columns
and evenly distributes the selected objects in rows and columns.
Center in Page > Horizontally
the selected objects horizontally on the form design.
Center in Page > Vertically
the selected objects vertically on the form design.
Make Same Size > Width
the size of the selected objects to match the width of the object
in the selection that was selected last.
Make Same Size > Height
the size of the selected objects to match the height of the object
in the selection that was selected last.
Make Same Size > Both
the size of the selected objects to match the height and width of
the object in the selection that was selected last.
Combines the
selected objects so that they function as a single unit. A group
of objects can contain any number of objects and can be nested to
any depth.
Breaks a
group object into separate units.
Merge Selected Text Objects
Merges the
contents of multiple text objects into a single object. The new
object's size and position matches the total boundaries of the merged
Merge as Caption
the contents of a text object and a field object that has its caption
set to none into a single object. The new object’s caption becomes the
text from the text object. The new object's size and position matches
the total boundaries of the merged objects.
Wrap in New Radio Button Group
the selected radio button objects into a single object.
Merge Radio Button Groups
selected radio button groups (or at least one selected radio button
group and one or more selected radio buttons) into a single radio
button group.
Bring to Front
selected objects to the foreground.
Bring Forward
selected objects forward relative to other objects that are in front
of the selected objects.
Send Backward
selected objects backward relative to other objects that are behind
the selected objects.
Send to Back
selected objects to the background.