Edit Data Nominated Subforms dialog box

Use this dialog box to control the display of subforms from a choice subform set or rows from a choice section.

To display this dialog box, perform one of the following actions:

  • Select a choice subform set and click Edit Alternatives on the Subform Set tab of the Object palette.

  • Select a choice section and click Edit Alternatives on the Section tab of the Object palette.

Choose Subform Whose Name Matches Data Element or Attribute
Matches a single subform from the choice subform set, or a row from the choice section, with a like-named data node from the data connection. Only the subform or row with a name matching one of the data nodes will appear in the form layout.

Choose Subform Using Expression
Associates a single subform from the choice subform set, or a single row form the choice section, with a user-defined data node from within the data connection. You can then use relational scripting expressions, such as equality and inequality expressions, in the Expression field to indicate the conditions that must occur for the named subform or row to appear in the form layout. The first entry in the Alternative Subforms list with an expression that evaluates to true displays on the form.

Data Connection
Specifies the name of the current data connection:
Default Data Binding
No data connection is currently specified for the form design.

The name of the data connection currently defined for the form design.

Adds a new subform object to the choice subform set or row to the choice section. Adding a new subform or row adds a duplicate of the subform object currently selected in the Alternative Subforms list. If no subform or row is selected, then a new unnamed subform is added to the choice subform set or choice section.

Removes the currently selected subform or row object from the current choice subform set or choice section.

Move Up
Moves the currently selected Alternative Subforms entry up in the list.

Move Down
Moves the currently selected Alternative Subforms entry down in the list.

Specifies the name of a subform object within the choice subform set or the name of a row within the choice section.

Specifies all available data binding options for the current data connection:
Binds the subform or row to this data node entry from within the data connection.

Disables data binding using a user-defined data node from the data connection. The subform or row is still bound to a like-named data node from the data connection, if any exists.

Note: You can also type a user-defined binding directly into the Binding field.
Specifies a relational scripting expression, such as equality and inequality expressions, to indicate the conditions that must occur for the named subform or row to appear in the form layout.

If no expression is specified, the conditional break is considered to have a value of true.

Specifies which scripting language you want to use for the current calculation or script. There are two options:
A native Adobe calculation language ideal for shorter scripts.

A powerful and flexible scripting language for more complex scripts.

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