3.4.4 Configuring the node manager for the cluster

You must configure the node manager for the cluster so that you can use the administration server to start, stop, monitor, and perform other common tasks on the nodes of the cluster from the WebLogic Server administration console. Perform these tasks:

  • Configure the node manager for the cluster.

  • (Horizontal clusters only) Enroll the managed servers with the node manager for the cluster.

  • (Horizontal clusters only) Configure the servers of the cluster for mutual access.

Configure the node manager for the cluster

  1. In the WebLogic Server administration console, under Domain Structure, click your domain name.

  2. Click the Security tab, on the right pane click General , and then click Advanced to expand the advanced details.

  3. Under Change Center, lick Lock & Edit .

  4. In the NodeManager Usernam e box, change the user name to the value established when creating the domain.

  5. In the NodeManager Password box, change the password to the value established when creating the domain.

  6. Click Save and then click Activate Changes .

Enroll the machine with domain directory.

  1. On a managed node machine that is added to the cluster, do one of these tasks:

    • (Windows) Navigate to [appserver root] \common\bin and enter the command wlst.cmd

    • (Linux, UNIX) Navigate to [appserver root] /common/bin and enter the command ./wlst.sh

    Note: You need to start WebLogic Administration Server only on the node that you wish to designate as the administration server of the cluster.
  2. At the wlst command prompt, enter the following command to connect to AdminServer:



    • [adminusername] is the user name of the administration server.

    • [adminpassword] is the password for the administration server user.

    • [adminserverURL] is the URL to the administration server in the format t3://hostname: [port] , where [port] is probably 7001.

      Note: For help about this command, type help('connect') at the wlst command prompt.
  3. When connected to the administration server, enter the following command to enroll the secondary computer in the cluster:

    nmEnroll('[appserver domain]')

    where [appserver domain] is the path to the domain directory on the local computer. For example, on a computer running Windows with WebLogic Server installed in the default directory, the path is C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\ [domain name] .

  4. Complete the task by entering the command exit()

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each machine of the cluster.

    The following procedure applies only to computers in a horizontal cluster.

Note: You must follow these steps every time you restart the WebLogic Administration Server .

Allow mutual access between servers of the cluster

  1. Open a text editor and enter the IP address or host name of each computer in the cluster as individual lines, as shown in this example:

  2. Save the file to each computer in the cluster as nodemanager.hosts in one of these locations:

    • (Windows) [appserver root]\common\nodemanager

    • (Linux, UNIX) [appserver root]/common/nodemanager

  3. In a text editor, open the existing hosts file of any computer in the cluster from one of the following locations:

    • (Windows) C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

    • (Linux, UNIX) /etc

  4. Add the IP address and host name of all computers in the cluster.

  5. Save the file.

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