3.4.5 Starting the node manager and managed servers

Use the following procedures to start the node manager and managed servers of the cluster.

To start the node manager:

On each computer of the cluster, open a command window and navigate to the appropriate directory:

  • (Windows) [appserver root] \server\bin and then enter this command:

  • (Linux, UNIX) [appserver root ]/server/bin and then enter this command:

    nohup ./startNodeManager.sh&
    For WebLogic 12.1.3, navigate to the [appserver root] \bin directory.
    Note: startNodeManager.cmd should be installed as Windows Services to run silently in the background. (See Using Node Manager.)

    Repeat the previous step for each additional computer in the cluster.

    You can start and stop configured Node Manager using Windows Services. Ensure that the Node Manager Service is running with a user account having administrative privileges.

Start the managed servers

  1. In the WebLogic Server administration console, under Domain Structure, click Environment > Clusters .

  2. Click the name of the cluster to start.

  3. Click the Control tab, select the check box for each server, and then click Start .

  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to start the servers.

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