Event start points

Start points are a special type of event receive that initiate short-lived and long-lived processes when events are thrown. Start points always react to events that are thrown. Start point events are similar to an event receive except that it starts listening for events as soon as the process is activated.

You configure event filters for start points that determine whether event throws are to be acted on. Event filters are based on the information in the event data. The event data and the event message data can be saved as process data.

A process diagram can have multiple start point events but only one of each type. For example, you can have only one TaskConsulted start point event and only one TaskEscalationTimer start point event. All start points are automatically connected with a route to the start activity of the process.

Add event start points

  1. Drag the event  to an unused part of the process diagram.

  2. (Optional) In the Name box, type a new name to replace the default name.

  3. (Optional) To search for a specific event, replace the default string in the Find box with a value.

  4. In the Event Behavior Configuration dialog box, ensure that Event StartPoint is selected.

  5. (Optional) Add event filters. (See Add event filters.)

  6. (Optional) Store event data to process variables. (See Add a process data map.)

    Hinweis: The variables you store values to must be input variables.
  7. Click OK.

Configure event start points

A start point event is similar to an event receive except that it starts listening for events as soon as the process is activated.

A process diagram can have multiple start point events but only one of each type. For example, you can have only one TaskConsulted start point event and only one TaskEscalationTimer start point event. All start points are automatically connected with a route to the start activity of the process.

Configure an event as a start point:

  1. For an event throw or receive that is already on the process diagram, right-click the event and select Set Start Point. The Event Start Point Configuration dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name box, type a name for the event that is meaningful and descriptive. This value is displayed in the process diagram.

  3. On the Filter tab, create a filter for the event. (See Creating event filters.)

  4. On the Callback Process Data Map tab, create a process data map for the event. (See Storing event data to process variables.)

  5. Click OK.

Setting an event as the start activity

You can configure event throws as the start activity in your process to notify listeners that the process has started. For example, the start activity can send a notification to the server when your process is invoked.

If you want to start a process in reaction to an event that has occurred, use an event start point. (See Event start points.)

Set events as the start activity

  • In the process diagram, right-click the event and select Set Start Activity.

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