Flash Text Engine-Beispiel: Zeichnungslayout

Flash Player 10 und höher, Adobe AIR 1.5 und höher

In diesem Programmierbeispiel wird gezeigt, wie die Flash Text Engine das Layout einer einfachen Zeitungsseite gestaltet. Die Seite enthält eine große Schlagzeile, eine Überschrift und einen aus mehreren Spalten bestehenden Text.

Erstellen Sie zunächst eine FLA-Datei und verknüpfen Sie den folgenden Code mit Frame 2 der Standardebene:

import com.example.programmingas3.newslayout.StoryLayout ; 
// frame sc ript - create  a 3-columned arti cle layout 
var story:StoryLayout = new StoryLayout(720, 500, 3, 10); 
story.x = 20; 
story.y = 80; 

Das Steuerungsskript für dieses Beispiel ist StoryLayout.as. Es setzt den Inhalt, liest die Stilinformationen von einem externen Stylesheet ein und weist diese Stile den ElementFormat-Objekten zu. Es erstellt dann die Schlagzeile, die Überschrift und den mehrspaltigen Textkörper.

package com.example.programmingas3.newslayout 
    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.text.StyleSheet; 
    import flash.text.engine.*; 
    import flash.events.Event; 
    import flash.net.URLRequest; 
    import flash.net.URLLoader; 
    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.display.Graphics; 
    public class StoryLayout extends Sprite 
        public var headlineTxt:HeadlineTextField; 
        public var subtitleTxt:HeadlineTextField; 
        public var storyTxt:MultiColumnText; 
        public var sheet:StyleSheet; 
        public var h1_ElFormat:ElementFormat; 
        public var h2_ElFormat:ElementFormat; 
        public var p_ElFormat:ElementFormat; 
        private var loader:URLLoader; 
        public var paddingLeft:Number; 
        public var paddingRight:Number; 
        public var paddingTop:Number; 
        public var paddingBottom:Number; 
        public var preferredWidth:Number; 
        public var preferredHeight:Number; 
        public var numColumns:int; 
        public var bgColor:Number = 0xFFFFFF; 
        public var headline:String = "News Layout Example"; 
        public var subtitle:String = "This example formats text like a newspaper page using the Flash Text Engine API. "; 
        public var rawTestData:String = 
        "From the part Mr. Burke took in the American Revolution, it was natural that I should consider him a friend to mankind; and as our acquaintance commenced on that ground, it would have been more agreeable to me to have had cause to continue in that opinion than to change it. " + 
        "At the time Mr. Burke made his violent speech last winter in the English Parliament against the French Revolution and the National Assembly, I was in Paris, and had written to him but a short time before to inform him how prosperously matters were going on. Soon after this I saw his advertisement of the Pamphlet he intended to publish: As the attack was to be made in a language but little studied, and less understood in France, and as everything suffers by translation, I promised some of the friends of the Revolution in that country that whenever Mr. Burke's Pamphlet came forth, I would answer it. This appeared to me the more necessary to be done, when I saw the flagrant misrepresentations which Mr. Burke's Pamphlet contains; and that while it is an outrageous abuse on the French Revolution, and the principles of Liberty, it is an imposition on the rest of the world. " + 
        "I am the more astonished and disappointed at this conduct in Mr. Burke, as (from the circumstances I am going to mention) I had formed other expectations. " + 
        "I had seen enough of the miseries of war, to wish it might never more have existence in the world, and that some other mode might be found out to settle the differences that should occasionally arise in the neighbourhood of nations. This certainly might be done if Courts were disposed to set honesty about it, or if countries were enlightened enough not to be made the dupes of Courts. The people of America had been bred up in the same prejudices against France, which at that time characterised the people of England; but experience and an acquaintance with the French Nation have most effectually shown to the Americans the falsehood of those prejudices; and I do not believe that a more cordial and confidential intercourse exists between any two countries than between America and France. "; 
        public function StoryLayout(w:int = 400, h:int = 200, cols:int = 3, padding:int = 10):void 
            this.preferredWidth = w; 
            this.preferredHeight = h; 
            this.numColumns = cols; 
            this.paddingLeft = padding; 
            this.paddingRight = padding; 
            this.paddingTop = padding; 
            this.paddingBottom = padding; 
            var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("story.css"); 
            loader = new URLLoader(); 
            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCSSFileLoaded); 
        public function onCSSFileLoaded(event:Event):void 
            this.sheet = new StyleSheet(); 
            // convert headline styles to ElementFormat objects 
            h1_ElFormat = getElFormat("h1", this.sheet); 
            h1_ElFormat.typographicCase = TypographicCase.UPPERCASE; 
            h2_ElFormat = getElFormat("h2", this.sheet); 
            p_ElFormat = getElFormat("p", this.sheet); 
        public function drawBackground():void 
            var h:Number = this.storyTxt.y + this.storyTxt.height + 
                            this.paddingTop + this.paddingBottom; 
            var g:Graphics = this.graphics; 
            g.drawRect(0, 0, this.width + this.paddingRight + this.paddingLeft, h); 
         * Reads a set of style properties for a named style and then creates 
         * a TextFormat object that uses the same properties. 
        public function getElFormat(styleName:String, ss:StyleSheet):ElementFormat 
            var style:Object = ss.getStyle(styleName); 
            if (style != null) 
                var colorStr:String = style.color; 
                if (colorStr != null && colorStr.indexOf("#") == 0) 
                    style.color = colorStr.substr(1); 
                var fd:FontDescription = new FontDescription( 
                var format:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat(fd, 
                if (style.hasOwnProperty("letterSpacing"))         
                    format.trackingRight = style.letterSpacing; 
            return format; 
        public function displayText():void 
            headlineTxt = new HeadlineTextField(h1_ElFormat,headline,this.preferredWidth); 
            headlineTxt.x = this.paddingLeft; 
            headlineTxt.y = 40 + this.paddingTop; 
            subtitleTxt = new HeadlineTextField(h2_ElFormat,subtitle,this.preferredWidth); 
            subtitleTxt.x = this.paddingLeft; 
            subtitleTxt.y = headlineTxt.y + headlineTxt.height; 
            storyTxt = new MultiColumnText(rawTestData, this.numColumns, 
                        20, this.preferredWidth, this.preferredHeight, p_ElFormat); 
            storyTxt.x = this.paddingLeft; 
            storyTxt.y = subtitleTxt.y + subtitleTxt.height + 10; 

FormattedTextBlock.as wird als Basisklasse für die Erstellung von Textblöcken verwendet. Es enthält außerdem Dienstfunktionen für die Änderung der Schriftgröße und der Groß- und Kleinschreibung.

package com.example.programmingas3.newslayout 
    import flash.text.engine.*; 
    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    public class FormattedTextBlock extends Sprite 
        public var tb:TextBlock; 
        private var te:TextElement; 
        private var ef1:ElementFormat; 
        private var textWidth:int; 
        public var totalTextLines:int; 
        public var blockText:String; 
        public var leading:Number = 1.25; 
        public var preferredWidth:Number = 720; 
        public var preferredHeight:Number = 100; 
        public function FormattedTextBlock(ef:ElementFormat,txt:String, colW:int = 0) 
            this.textWidth = (colW==0) ? preferredWidth : colW; 
            blockText = txt; 
            ef1 = ef; 
            tb = new TextBlock(); 
            tb.textJustifier = new SpaceJustifier("en",LineJustification.UNJUSTIFIED,false); 
            te = new TextElement(blockText,this.ef1); 
            tb.content = te; 
        private function breakLines() 
            var textLine:TextLine = null; 
            var y:Number = 0; 
            var lineNum:int = 0; 
            while (textLine = tb.createTextLine(textLine,this.textWidth,0,true)) 
                textLine.x = 0; 
                textLine.y = y; 
                y += this.leading*textLine.height; 
            for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) 
                TextLine(this.getChildAt(i)).validity = TextLineValidity.STATIC; 
            this.totalTextLines = this.numChildren; 
        private function rebreakLines() 
        private function clearLines() 
        public function changeSize(size:uint=12):void 
            if (size > 5) 
                var ef2:ElementFormat = ef1.clone(); 
                ef2.fontSize = size; 
                te.elementFormat = ef2; 
        public function changeCase(newCase:String = "default"):void 
            var ef2:ElementFormat = ef1.clone(); 
            ef2.typographicCase = newCase; 
            te.elementFormat = ef2; 

HeadlineTextBlock.as erweitert die FormattedTextBlock-Klasse und wird zur Erstellung von Schlagzeilen verwendet. Es enthält eine Funktion zur Einpassung von Text in einen vorgeschriebenen Rahmen auf der Seite.

package com.example.programmingas3.newslayout 
    import flash.text.engine.*; 
    public class HeadlineTextField extends FormattedTextBlock 
        public static var MIN_POINT_SIZE:uint = 6; 
        public static var MAX_POINT_SIZE:uint = 128; 
        public function HeadlineTextField(te:ElementFormat,txt:String,colW:int = 0) 
        public function fitText(maxLines:uint = 1, targetWidth:Number = -1):uint 
            if (targetWidth == -1) 
                targetWidth = this.width; 
            var pixelsPerChar:Number = targetWidth / this.blockText.length; 
            var pointSize:Number = Math.min(MAX_POINT_SIZE, 
                            Math.round(pixelsPerChar * 1.8 * maxLines)); 
            if (pointSize < 6) 
                // the point size is too small 
                return pointSize; 
            if (this.totalTextLines > maxLines) 
                return shrinkText(--pointSize, maxLines); 
                return growText(pointSize, maxLines); 
        public function growText(pointSize:Number, maxLines:uint = 1):Number 
            if (pointSize >= MAX_POINT_SIZE) 
                return pointSize; 
            this.changeSize(pointSize + 1); 
            if (this.totalTextLines > maxLines) 
                // set it back to the last size 
                return pointSize; 
                return growText(pointSize + 1, maxLines); 
        public function shrinkText(pointSize:Number, maxLines:uint=1):Number 
            if (pointSize <= MIN_POINT_SIZE) 
                return pointSize; 
            if (this.totalTextLines > maxLines) 
                return shrinkText(pointSize - 1, maxLines); 
                return pointSize; 

MultiColumnText.as formatiert Text in mehrspaltigen Textkörpern. Es zeigt die flexible Verwendung eines TextBlock-Objekts, das zum Erstellen, Formatieren und Positionieren von Textzeilen dient.

package com.example.programmingas3.newslayout 
    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.text.engine.*; 
    public class MultiColumnText extends Sprite 
        private var tb:TextBlock; 
        private var te:TextElement; 
        private var numColumns:uint = 2; 
        private var gutter:uint = 10; 
        private var leading:Number = 1.25; 
        private var preferredWidth:Number = 400; 
        private var preferredHeight:Number = 100; 
        private var colWidth:int = 200; 
        public function MultiColumnText(txt:String = "",cols:uint = 2, 
            gutter:uint = 10, w:Number = 400, h:Number = 100, 
            ef:ElementFormat = null):void 
            this.numColumns = Math.max(1, cols); 
            this.gutter = Math.max(1, gutter); 
            this.preferredWidth = w; 
            this.preferredHeight = h; 
            var field:FormattedTextBlock = new FormattedTextBlock(ef,txt,this.colWidth); 
            var totLines:int = field.totalTextLines; 
            field = null; 
            var linesPerCol:int = Math.ceil(totLines/cols); 
            tb = new TextBlock(); 
            te = new TextElement(txt,ef); 
            tb.content = te; 
            var textLine:TextLine = null; 
            var x:Number = 0; 
            var y:Number = 0; 
            var i:int = 0; 
            var j:int = 0; 
            while (textLine = tb.createTextLine(textLine,this.colWidth,0,true)) 
                textLine.x = Math.floor(i/(linesPerCol+1))*(this.colWidth+this.gutter); 
                textLine.y = y; 
                y += this.leading*textLine.height; 
                    y = 0; 
                    j = 0; 
        private function setColumnWidth():void 
            this.colWidth = Math.floor( (this.preferredWidth - 
                ((this.numColumns - 1) * this.gutter)) / this.numColumns);    

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