Package com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model

Class Summary
AssetLoaderController Thin wrapper class represents the <XMLDataLoader> and <AttachmentLoader> elements within a package definition file.
Attachment Class that represents an <attachment> child of <attachments> within a package definition.
Controller Class that represents a child of the <controllers> element within a package definition file.
Messages Generated class to manage strings.
PackageDefinition The "model" for the package is the XML document contained within the PackageDefinition object.
PackageDefinition.PackageType The possible package types.
PackageElement Represents the common functionality of the elements in a package definition.
PromoImageController Class that represents the <PromoImage> element within a package definition file.
PromoImageSlideShowController Class that represents the <PromoImageSlideShow> element within a package definition file.
PromoModuleLoaderController Class that represents the element within a package definition file.
PromoSWFLoaderController Class that represents the <PromoFlashLoaderImage> element within a package definition file.
Resource Class that represents a <resource> child of <resources> inside a package definition.
ValidationMessage This class represents a single result from a validation pass by the Validator class.
Validator This class validates a PackageDefinition instance, returning an array of validation issues.

Exception Summary
InvalidPackageException This exception generically means that there's something wrong with your package.xml.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]