Package com.adobe.icc.dbforms.obj

Class Summary
Asset Base class (POJO) for all asset types in the system, like DataModule, Form, Letter, etc.
CalculatedVariable POJO that maps to a Variable in the application.
Category POJO for a Category or Subcategory.

Category or Subcategory is determined by the type.
CDMAssignment Assignment POJO for Condition Modules.
CDMAssignment.AssignmentType Enum for determining the assignment type (whether this is the Default case for the condition or not).
ConditionalDataModule POJO representation for a Conditional Module.
ConditionalDocument POJO representation for a Conditional Document.
ContainerLayout POJO for a generic Container Layout (CL) object.
ContainerLayoutAssignment Assignment POJO for Container Layouts.
DataModule POJO representation for a Data Module, encapsulating the common attributes such as the associated Data Dictionary references and list of variables.
DataType Enum to handle various data types for a Variable.
DocumentAssignment Assignment POJO for Conditional Documents.
Downloadable POJO used to transfer across downloadable content (such as XDP, XML).
Field POJO representation of a Field in a Layout (XDP).
Field.FieldType Enum for various types of Field, such as Date, Time, Integer, Float, etc.
FieldAssignment POJO representation for a Field's assignment in a Letter template.
Form POJO representation of a Layout asset.
FragmentLayout Represents a fragment layout.
ImageModule POJO representation of an Image module.
LDMAssignment Assignment POJO for List Modules.
Letter POJO representation of a Correspondence Letter template.
ListDataModule POJO representation for a List Module.
MimeType Enum for various Mime Types (image/jpeg, text/html, etc.).
ModuleAssignment POJO representation for a Data Module assignment to a Target Area.
Portfolio POJO representation of a Portfolio template.
PortfolioDocument POJO representation of a Document that is part of a Portfolio.
PortfolioDocument.DocumentSource Enum to specify the source of this document.
PortfolioFolder POJO representation of a Folder that is part of a Portfolio.
Query POJO to build a Query using a list of Statements .
Statement Statement object that handles providing various search filters around APIs.
Table Represents a table in layout.
TableColumnDetails Represents a table column.
TableRow Represents a table row.
TargetArea POJO representation of a Target Area in a Layout (XDP).
TargetAreaAssignment POJO representation for a TargetArea's assignment in a Letter template.
TextModule POJO representation of a Text module.
Variable POJO representation of a Variable.
Variable.VariableSubType Enum to specify the variable subType, whether its a Enum.
Variable.VariableType Enum to specify the variable type, whether its a DDE or just a placeholder.
VariableAssignment POJO representation for a Variable's assignment in a Letter template.

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