Format text in an index entry

You can change the character format of specified text or of the page number in an entry. For example, you may want a book title to appear in italics, or you may want a particular page number to appear in bold. The character format must be stored in the Character Catalog of the index.

Character formatting.


1)Enter an index entry.

2)To format part of the entry in a character format, do one of the following:

To format specific text in an entry, type the character tag between angle brackets ( < and  > ) before the text and type <Default Para Font> after it. For example, to create the entry “Tidal Waves See Tsunami,” you might enter this marker text: Tidal Waves <Emphasis>See <Default Para Font> Tsunami

Character format tags affect only the entry they precede. For example, <bold>fruit:strawberry would generate a two-line entry that shows “fruit” as bold and “strawberry” without bold. To format both entries in bold, enter <bold>fruit:<bold>strawberry

To format only the page number, type the character tag between angle brackets at the end of the marker text. For example, to create the entry “Erosion   24,” you might enter this marker text: Erosion<Bold>

tip:   If you’re using a special character format for many—but not all—page numbers in an index (for example, to use bold for principal entries), you may want to create a custom marker type with that formatting.

September 30, 2016

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