Creating a curriculum

A wizard guides you through the main steps of creating a curriculum, such as entering curriculum information and selecting courses for the curriculum. After you create a curriculum, you can complete additional tasks, such as adding enrollees and sending reminders.

In creating a curriculum, your workflow involves the following tasks:

1. Browse to a curriculum location

You can create or browse to a folder in the Training library that will contain the curriculum (you must have permission to access the folder). When you determine a location, you click New Curriculum to open the New Curriculum wizard and create your curriculum in the selected location.
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Navigating the Training library
Determine a location

Create another folder or add a new curriculum

Note: If you want to save your curriculum in your User Training folder, you can bypass this procedure by simply clicking the New Curriculum link on the Adobe Connect Central Home page and following the steps to enter curriculum information.

2. Enter curriculum information

The first page of the New Curriculum wizard lets you enter details, such as descriptive summary information and start and end dates, about the curriculum. (You must enter the curriculum name, but all other fields are optional.) The information that you enter in the wizard appears later on the Curriculum Information page, as well as on the page that enrollees access from their My Training link.

The Custom URL box displays the first part of the URL that users click to access the curriculum. You can leave the box blank to have Adobe Connect generate a system URL or enter a custom URL in the box. For example, you can enter a word that describes the curriculum.

Note: The start and end dates that you select override the start and end dates for the individual items in your curriculum. For example, if you add a meeting with an end date that already passed, but your end date for the curriculum is in the future, the meeting assumes the end date of the curriculum.
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Use the Curriculum Information page to add a name and details about a curriculum.

3. Add items to the curriculum

After you enter curriculum information in the New Curriculum wizard and click Next, a page appears that lets you add items to the curriculum. When you add an item to a curriculum, you are actually adding a link to the item, not copying the item in a new location within Adobe Connect.

You can add content from the Content library, a meeting from the Meeting library, a virtual classroom, or any existing courses to a curriculum. Content added to a curriculum is now automatically converted to a course so it can be tracked accurately. The new course is added to the automatically created curriculum resource folder. (This folder is in the same location as the curriculum and has the same name as the curriculum with “Resources” appended to the end.)

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After creating a new curriculum, add courses to build the curriculum.
Note: If you want to group items in folders, do not add the items using the New Curriculum wizard. Instead, exit from the wizard, open the curriculum information page for the curriculum, click Add Item, click New Folder, type in a folder name, click Save, select the new folder (you can also select the root folder or a different folder), click Add Item, and then add items to the folder. New items are always created at the root level and you can rearrange items by clicking the Move button. Folders cannot be nested in other folders.

4. Change the order or remove items, if necessary

After adding content and courses, you can change the order of items to alter the learning path. You also have the option to remove any items.

Note: Although you can move items within a folder, you cannot move items in or out of folders.

5. Select any additional options

The final step when creating a curriculum is to select any options you require from the Additional Options page, such as adding enrollees, setting prerequisites, and sending notification.

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