Creating a course

A course is content for a set of enrolled learners that also includes usage tracking for each learner. For example, a course could be a stand-alone presentation offered as part of a curriculum or shown in a virtual classroom.

Note: The material on courses applies only to accounts that include the Adobe Connect Training application.

In creating a course, your workflow involves the following tasks:

1. Create content and add to Content Library

A course is based on existing content, so ensure that you have content such as presentations, PDF files, or image files stored in your Content Library. Content can be any of the following file types: PPT, PPTX, FLV, SWF, PDF, GIF, JPG, PNG, MP3, HTML, MP4, F4V, or ZIP. See Upload content .

2. Start the Course wizard

On the Adobe Connect Central Home page, locate the Create New menu bar and click Course. Alternatively, click Training > New Course.

3. Course information

On the first page of the Course wizard you enter background details about the course, such as a name and summary. (Only the course name is required; all other fields are optional.) You can edit this information after the course is created.

Note: By default, the Update Information for Any Items Linked To This Item option is selected. Since you are creating a new course, you probably do not have any items linked to the course yet, but keep this item selected if you think you will link any items later.

4. Select course content

In this part of the Course wizard, Adobe Connect directs you to the Content library, where you navigate to the content file you want to use. You can select only one file from the library, and you must have either View or Manage permissions for this file. After adding content, you can continue in the wizard and enroll learners or save the curriculum and exit the wizard. (To enroll learners, set up course notifications, or enable e‑mail reminders later, you can edit the course.)

5. Enroll learners

Only enrolled users can browse to the course URL and log in to view the course. To enroll large numbers of users, if you have the Event Management application, present the course as an event.

You can add and delete learners, as required, after the course is created.

6. Set up notifications

A course notification is an e‑mail message telling enrollees how to access the course.

When you format your notification, you can use run time fields in the subject line and in the body of the message. These fields are course information variables that are automatically filled in for you when the e‑mail notification is sent.

You can change the course notifications after the course is created.

7. Set up reminders

Reminders are optional. A course reminder is an e‑mail message sent to either all or selected course enrollees after you set up the course. You can use reminders, for example, to remind enrollees that they are scheduled to take the course or to notify specific individuals that they are required to complete the course.

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