The com.adobe.mosaic.skins.aqua package classes define the "aqua" skins for objects such as tiles, panels, and views in a LiveCycle Mosaic application.
| Class | Description |
| AddButtonSkin | The AddButtonSkin is the skin for the Add button that appears in the ViewSkin and
ViewManagerSkin skins. |
| BannerShellSkin | The BannerShellSkin is a skin that can be used as an alternative to the standard ShellSkin
and it applies to the Mosaic Shell. |
| LayoutGhostSkin | This skin used by the "dynamic" layouts (eg, DynamicColumnLayout) to display a place holder
while a Tile is being repositioned. |
| OptionMenuButtonSkin | The skin for the OptionMenuButton that appears in the View and
ViewManager skins. |
| OrganizerSkin | The OrganizerSkin is the skin applied to the Mosaic Organizer. |
| PanelSkin | The main skin for a Mosaic Panel. |
| ShellSkin | The ShellSkin is the default skin for the Mosaic Shell. |
| TabbedPanelSkin | An alternative skin for a Panel containing a ButtonBar. |
| TileSkin | The TileSkin is the default skin for the Mosaic Tile. |
| ViewManagerSkin | The skin for the Mosaic ViewManager. |
| ViewSkin | The skin for the View. |
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Mon Nov 18 2013, 12:22 PM -08:00