

ActionScript 3.0 中的事件模型引入了事件捕获和事件冒泡的概念。利用事件冒泡可帮助您优化 ActionScript 代码执行时间。您可以在一个对象(而不是多个对象)上注册事件处理函数以提高性能。

例如,想象创建这样一种游戏,在该游戏中用户必须以最快的速度单击苹果以将其销毁。该游戏将删除屏幕上各个被击中的苹果并为用户增加分数。要侦听由各个苹果调度的 MouseEvent.CLICK 事件,您可能会编写以下代码:

const MAX_NUM:int = 10; 
var sceneWidth:int = stage.stageWidth; 
var sceneHeight:int = stage.stageHeight; 
var currentApple:InteractiveObject; 
var currentAppleClicked:InteractiveObject; 
for ( var i:int = 0; i< MAX_NUM; i++ ) 
    currentApple = new Apple(); 
    currentApple.x = Math.random()*sceneWidth; 
    currentApple.y = Math.random()*sceneHeight; 
    addChild ( currentApple ); 
    // Listen to the MouseEvent.CLICK event 
    currentApple.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK, onAppleClick ); 
function onAppleClick ( e:MouseEvent ):void 
    currentAppleClicked = e.currentTarget as InteractiveObject; 
    currentAppleClicked.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onAppleClick ); 
    removeChild ( currentAppleClicked ); 

此代码对各个 Apple 实例调用 addEventListener() 方法。此外,它还会在用户单击每个苹果时使用 removeEventListener() 方法删除对应的侦听器。然而,ActionScript 3.0 中的事件模型为某些事件提供了一个捕获和冒泡阶段,允许您侦听来自父 InteractiveObject 的这些事件。因此,可以优化以上代码并在最大程度上减少对 addEventListener() removeEventListener() 方法的调用次数。以下代码使用捕获阶段侦听来自父对象的事件:

const MAX_NUM:int = 10; 
var sceneWidth:int = stage.stageWidth; 
var sceneHeight:int = stage.stageHeight; 
var currentApple:InteractiveObject; 
var currentAppleClicked:InteractiveObject; 
var container:Sprite = new Sprite(); 
addChild ( container ); 
// Listen to the MouseEvent.CLICK on the apple's parent 
// Passing true as third parameter catches the event during its capture phase 
container.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK, onAppleClick, true ); 
for ( var i:int = 0; i< MAX_NUM; i++ ) 
    currentApple = new Apple(); 
    currentApple.x = Math.random()*sceneWidth; 
    currentApple.y = Math.random()*sceneHeight; 
    container.addChild ( currentApple ); 
function onAppleClick ( e:MouseEvent ):void 
    currentAppleClicked = e.target as InteractiveObject; 
    container.removeChild ( currentAppleClicked ); 

上述代码不仅经过了简化,而且在很大程度进行了优化,只对父容器调用了一次 addEventListener() 方法。侦听器不再注册到 Apple 实例,因此不需要在单击苹果时将其删除。可通过停止事件传播(此操作将阻止继续传播事件)来进一步优化 onAppleClick() 处理函数:

function onAppleClick ( e:MouseEvent ):void 
    currentAppleClicked = e.target as InteractiveObject; 
    container.removeChild ( currentAppleClicked ); 

冒泡阶段也可用于捕捉事件,方法是将 false 作为第三个参数传递到 addEventListener() 方法:

// Listen to the MouseEvent.CLICK on apple's parent 
// Passing false as third parameter catches the event during its bubbling phase 
container.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK, onAppleClick, false );

捕获阶段参数的默认值是 false ,因此您可以将其忽略:

container.addEventListener ( MouseEvent.CLICK, onAppleClick );

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