Paket | mx.managers |
Arabirim | public interface IBrowserManager extends IEventDispatcher |
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
İlgili API Öğeleri
Özellik | Tanımlayan: | ||
base : String [salt okunur]
The portion of current URL before the '#' as it appears
in the browser address bar. | IBrowserManager | ||
fragment : String [salt okunur]
The portion of current URL after the '#' as it appears
in the browser address bar. | IBrowserManager | ||
title : String [salt okunur]
The title of the application as it should appear in the
browser history. | IBrowserManager | ||
url : String [salt okunur]
The current URL as it appears in the browser address bar. | IBrowserManager |
Yöntem | Tanımlayan: | ||
![]() | addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
EventDispatcher nesnesi olan bir olay dinleyici nesnesini, dinleyicinin bir olayın bildirimini alması için kaydeder. | IEventDispatcher | |
![]() |
Olay akışına bir olay gönderir. | IEventDispatcher | |
![]() |
EventDispatcher nesnesinin belirli bir olay türü için kayıtlı dinleyicisi olup olmadığını kontrol eder. | IEventDispatcher | |
Initializes the BrowserManager. | IBrowserManager | ||
Initializes the BrowserManager. | IBrowserManager | ||
![]() |
EventDispatcher nesnesinden bir dinleyiciyi kaldırır. | IEventDispatcher | |
Changes the fragment of the URL after the '#' in the browser. | IBrowserManager | ||
Changes the text in the browser's title bar. | IBrowserManager | ||
![]() |
Bir olay dinleyicisinin bu EventDispatcher nesnesiyle mi, yoksa onun belirtilen olay türüne yönelik üst öğelerinden biriyle mi kayıtlı olduğunu kontrol eder. | IEventDispatcher |
Olay | Özet | Tanımlayan: | ||
Dispatched when the URL is changed by the browser. | IBrowserManager | |||
Dispatched when the URL is changed either by the user interacting with the browser, invoking an application in AIR, or by setting the property programmatically. | IBrowserManager | |||
Dispatched when the URL is changed by the application. | IBrowserManager |
base | özellik |
fragment | özellik |
[salt okunur] Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
The portion of current URL after the '#' as it appears
in the browser address bar. Use the setURLFragment()
method to change this value.
public function get fragment():String
title | özellik |
url | özellik |
init | () | yöntem |
public function init(value:String = null, title:String = null):void
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Initializes the BrowserManager. The BrowserManager will get the initial URL. If it
has a fragment, it will dispatch a BROWSER_URL_CHANGE
This method sets the value of the ApplicationGlobals.application.historyManagementEnabled
property to false
because the HistoryManager generally interferes with your
application's handling of URL fragments.
value:String (default = null ) — The fragment to use if no fragment is in the initial URL.
| |
title:String (default = null ) — The title to use if no fragment is in the initial URL.
initForHistoryManager | () | yöntem |
public function initForHistoryManager():void
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Initializes the BrowserManager. The HistoryManager calls this method to
prepare the BrowserManager for further calls from the HistoryManager. You cannot use
the HistoryManager and call the setFragment()
method from the application.
As a result, the init()
method usually sets
the value of the ApplicationGlobals.application.historyManagementEnabled
property to false
to disable
the HistoryManager.
setFragment | () | yöntem |
public function setFragment(value:String):void
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Changes the fragment of the URL after the '#' in the browser. An attempt will be made to track this URL in the browser's history.
If the title is set, the old title in the browser is replaced by the new title.
To store the URL, a JavaScript
method named setBrowserURL()
will be called.
The application's HTML wrapper must have that method which
must implement a mechanism for taking this
value and registering it with the browser's history scheme
and address bar.
event is dispatched. If the event
is cancelled, the setBrowserURL()
method will not be called.
value:String — The new fragment to use after the '#' in the URL.
setTitle | () | yöntem |
public function setTitle(value:String):void
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Changes the text in the browser's title bar. This method does not affect the browser's history.
value:String — The new title to use in the browser's title bar.
browserURLChange | Olay |
özellik BrowserChangeEvent.type =
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the URL is changed by the browser.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a browserURLChange
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
lastURL | The previous value of the BrowserManager's
url property. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
url | The new value of the BrowserManager's
url property. |
change | Olay |
özellik Event.type =
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the URL is changed either by the user interacting with the browser, invoking an application in AIR, or by setting the property programmatically.
sabiti, change
olay nesnesinin type
özelliği değerini tanımlar.
Bu olay şu özelliklere sahiptir:
Özellik | Değer |
bubbles | true |
cancelable | false ; iptal edilecek varsayılan davranış yoktur. |
currentTarget | Bu Event nesnesini olay dinleyicisiyle etkin olarak işleyen nesne. |
target | Değerleri değiştirilen nesne. target her zaman olay dinleyicisini kaydeden görüntüleme listesindeki nesne değildir. Geçerli olarak olayı işleyen görüntüleme listesindeki nesneye erişmek için currentTarget özelliğini kullanın. |
urlChange | Olay |
özellik BrowserChangeEvent.type =
Dil Sürümü: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Ürün Sürümü: | Flex 3 |
Çalışma Zamanı Sürümleri: | Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1 |
Dispatched when the URL is changed by the application.
constant defines the value of the
property of the event object for a urlChange
The properties of the event object have the following values:
Property | Value |
bubbles | false |
cancelable | false |
currentTarget | The Object that defines the
event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use
myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener,
myButton is the value of the currentTarget . |
lastURL | The previous value of the BrowserManager's
url property. |
target | The Object that dispatched the event;
it is not always the Object listening for the event.
Use the currentTarget property to always access the
Object listening for the event. |
url | The new value of the BrowserManager's
url property. |
Tue Jun 12 2018, 01:09 PM Z