You can use the component development tool to create a LiveCycle component. The component development tool makes component
development more efficient by creating the following component assets:
The component development tool provides a wizard that creates
a LiveCycle component from scratch, or from an existing
component Java project. The tool lets you toggle between the XML
view of your component and a graphical view of all its services
and operations. The component development tool consists of the following
Services and Operations
Data Types
注意: The component that is shown in the following
illustrations is the e-mail component created in another section.
(See Creating Your First Component.)
Overview viewThe Overview view provides information about the
component such as the component identifier value, its version number,
the Bootstrap class, and the Lifecycle class. The following illustration
displays the Overview view.
Services and Operations viewThe Services and Operation view provides
service details such as the service name, the implementation class,
and the configuration parameters. You can also specify whether to
auto deploy the service and whether you can use the component within
a Workbench ES process. The Orchestratable option controls whether
the component can be used within a process. By selecting this option, the
component can be used within a process. The following illustration
displays the service view. You can view the service view by selecting
the service name in the left panel. (Notice that EmailService2 is selected.)
the previous illustration, notice that the EmailService2 service
was selected. If you click the operation below a service, you are
able to view operation details. The operation view provides details
such as operation name, the hint value (shows up in Workbench as
a hint), input parameters, and output parameters. The following
illustration displays the operations view. (Notice that the send operation
is selected.)
the previous illustration, notice that all of the input parameters
for the e-mail component are listed. Using this view, you can also
remove and add input or output parameters.
注意: This
view is also available to edit existing input and output parameters by
clicking the Properties... button.
Data Types viewThe Data Types view lets you specify new data
types on which the component depends. For example, if you have to
add a new Java class that represents the data type, you can use
this view.
Runtime viewThe Runtime view lets you import and export packages
as well as specify required JAR files to add to your classpath.
For example, the e-mail component is dependant upon the mailapi.jar
file. The following illustration shows the Runtime view.
Component xml viewThe component XML view provides an XML view of
the component XML file. If you prefer working in XML as opposed
to a GUI, you can work in this view.
Install the component development toolTo use the component development tool to create a LiveCycle
component, install the development tool. The component development tool
is an Eclipse plug-in. Ensure that you use Eclipse version 3.4.2
or higher and Java JDK version 1.6. Before using this tool with
Eclipse, install and configure the following frameworks in your
Eclipse environment.
The Eclipse Modeling Framework Project (EMF) version
2.4.2 in your Eclipse environment.
The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) version 3.4.2
in your Eclipse environment.
The Web Tools Platform (WTP SDK) into your Eclipse environment.
Configure the Eclipse Modeling FrameworkInstall the Eclipse Modeling Framework project in your
Eclipse environment by performing the following tasks:
Click Help, Software Updates, Available Software tab,
Add Site.
Add the update site
Select the 2.4.2 version of the EMF libraries from the list.
Click on Install.
Click Next, Select "I accept the terms..." and Finish. This
installs the EMF libraries into your existing eclipse and prompts
you to restart Eclipse. Ensure that you select Yes.
Configure the Eclipse Graphical Editing FrameworkInstall the Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework by performing
the following tasks:
Click Help, Software Updates, Available Software tab,
Add Site.
Add the update site
Choose version 3.4.2 and click Install.
Click Next, Select "I accept the terms..." and Finish. This
installs the EMF libraries into Eclipse and prompts you to restart
Eclipse. Ensure that you select Yes.
Configure the Eclipse Web Tools PlatformConfigure the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP SDK):
Using your Browser, open the Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project
download site at
Under "Web Tools Platform", locate the link for "wtp-sdk"
and download the file, ""
Exit Eclipse.
The file contains updates
to the "features" and "plug-ins" folder in your Eclipse installation.
Unzip the file in the same root folder where you have already installed
Eclipse (typically the folder that contains your "eclipse" folder).
Restart Eclipse after you finish unzipping.
Setting up the component development toolAfter you install and configure the required frameworks
in your Eclipse environment, set up the component development tool
by performing the following tasks:
Retrieve the file from the following
location: <Workbench_Install_Directory>\sdk\tools.
In Eclipse, click Help, Software Updates.
Select the Available Software Tab.
Select Add Site.
Select Archive.
Browse and open the component development tool file in your download
folder (from step 1).
Select OK.
Click Install.
Accept the license agreement and click Finish.
Restart Eclipse.
Create a component project using the component wizardAfter you install the component development tool, you can
create a component project in Eclipse. When you create a project,
a wizard prompts you for the service name, the Java package, the
component identifier value, and so on. The following illustration
shows the component wizard.
The project includes files such as the component.xml file, Java
source files (class and interface files), and an Ant build script
named build.xml. The Java source files are placed in a Java package
that corresponds to the Java package specified in the component
wizard. For example, in the previous illustration, com.adobe.sample is
specified. The name of the Java interface corresponds to the service
name. The Java interface also contains methods that correspond to
operations that you specify in the wizard.
注意: When you create a LiveCycle component
without the assistance of the component development tool, you manually
create the required files. In contrast, when using the component
development tool, the files are created. However, you add Java application
logic to the service method(s) in the implementation class.
The following illustration shows the project files after you
create the project using the component tool. The name of the service
specified in the wizard is EmailService5.
注意: To view the different views of the component
development tool, such as the Overview, select the component XML
file in your Eclipse project.
Create a component development tool project for the e-mail component
by performing the following tasks:
Start Eclipse.
Select File, New, Other, Adobe LiveCycle, Component Project.
In the Java Project Name field, specify a name for
your project.
If desired, change the package name. By default, the package
is named com.adobe.sample.
Click Add to create a service for the component.
In the Create a new Service dialog box, specify a
service name. For example, specify EmailService5. (EmailService5 was
used because if you followed the instructions specified in Developing your first component,
you will have a service named EmailService.)
In the Category field, specify a category name.
If desired, select an icon for the service.
Click Add to create an operation for the service.
For example, specify SendMail.
In the Define the Service Operations dialog box, click Add to
add a parameter. Modify the parameter name, the data type, and title
to meet your business requirements. Repeat this step for each parameter
to add. The parameter that you specify is automatically added to the
Java source files and the component XML file. The Title column
lets you specify a value that is displayed in Workbench. Add the
following parameter values for SendMail (these values become parameters for the SendMail method that is located in the implementaion class):
ToAddress: A string value that represents
to e-mail addresses to where the e-mail message is sent.
CCAddress: A string value that specifies the
e-mail recipient who receives a copy of the e-mail message.
BCCAddress: A string value that specifies the
hidden e-mail recipient who receives a copy of the e-mail message.
Subject: A string value that specifies the subject
of the e-mail message.
MimeType: A string value that specifies
the MIME type of the file attachment.
Message: A string value that specifies the
e-mail body of the e-mail message.
AttachmentName: A string value that specifies
the name of the file attachment.
docAttachment: A com.adobe.idp.Document value
that specifies the file attachment that is sent with the e-mail
注意: The Define the "Returned
output data type" dropdown lets you specify the data type for the
operation’s return value. By default, this dropdown is empty. If
you leave this dropdown empty, then the method’s return value is
void. That is, the method does not have a return value. Likewise,
if you select a data type, such as String, the return value’s data
type corresponds to the value that you select. For the SendMail
operation, leave the dropdown empty.
When done entering parameter values, click OK.
In the Create a new Service dialog box, click Configuration Parameters to
add the required configuration values.
In the Service Configuration Definitions dialog box,
click Add for each configuration value to add. Specify a
name, the data type, and the default value. When you add a configuration
value, it is automatically added to the component XML file. For
this example, add the following three configuration values that
the e-mail message component requires:
A string value that specifies the IP address of the SMTP server
that sends e-mail messages.
smtpUser: A string value that specifies
the user name that is used to connect to the SMTP server.
smtpPassword: A string value that specifies
the corresponding password of the user.
Click OK.
Click Finish to create your component project.
注意: After you create a project using the component
development wizard, you can change project values such as a parameter
value, or a configuration parameter by using the component development
tool views. For example, you can modify a parameter value in the
operations view.
Create your application logic for the LiveCycle componentCreate Java application logic for the component. Ensure
that you add JAR files on which your application logic is dependent
to your Eclipse project’s classpath. To create an e-mail component
(the example e-mail component), add the following JAR files to your
project’s class path:
Both of these JAR files are available with JavaMail API at
Because the component’s application logic uses a com.adobe.idp.Document object,
add the adobe-livecycle-client.jar file to your project’s class
path. For information about the location of this JAR file, see Including LiveCycle Java library files.
Add the following Java application logic to the implementation
of the EmailService5Impl class.
package com.adobe.sample;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
import javax.mail.BodyPart;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import com.adobe.idp.Document;
public class EmailService5Impl implements EmailService5{
protected java.lang.String smtpHost;
protected java.lang.String smtpUser;
protected java.lang.String smtpPassword;
public void setsmtpHost(java.lang.String smtpHost){
public java.lang.String getsmtpHost(){
return this.smtpHost;
public void setsmtpUser(java.lang.String smtpUser){
public java.lang.String getsmtpUser(){
return this.smtpUser;
public void setsmtpPassword(java.lang.String smtpPassword){
public java.lang.String getsmtpPassword(){
return this.smtpPassword;
public void SendMail(java.lang.String ToAddress,
java.lang.String CCAddress,
java.lang.String BCCAddress,
java.lang.String Subject,
java.lang.String MimeType,
java.lang.String Message,
java.lang.String AttachmentName,
com.adobe.idp.Document docAttachment){
try {
Properties _props = new Properties();
if (getsmtpHost() != null) {
_props.put("", getsmtpHost());
if (getsmtpUser() != null) {
_props.put("mail.smtp.user", getsmtpUser());
// Setup mail server if authentication used
if (!(isEmpty(smtpHost) || !(isEmpty(smtpPassword))))
_props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
//Get the default Session and add the new properties to it.
Session _session = Session.getInstance(_props, null);
//Create a message
MimeMessage _msg = new MimeMessage(_session);
//Set the sent from address
InternetAddress fromIntenetAddress = new InternetAddress(getsmtpUser());
InternetAddress[] toInternetAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(ToAddress);
_msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toInternetAddresses);
if (!isEmpty(CCAddress)) {
InternetAddress[] toCCInternetAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(CCAddress);
if (!isEmpty(BCCAddress)) {
InternetAddress[] toBCCInternetAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(BCCAddress);
if (!isEmpty(Subject)) {
if (!isEmpty(aMessage)) {
if (!isEmpty(MimeType)) {
_msg.setContent(aMessage, MimeType);
} else {
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
if (docAttachment != null){
BodyPart _bodyPartAttachment = new MimeBodyPart();
FileDataSource fileSource = new FileDataSource(docAttachment.getFile());
_bodyPartAttachment.setDataHandler( new DataHandler(fileSource));
if (!isEmpty(aAttachmentName)){
} else {
//Send the email message
_msg.saveChanges(); // implicit with send()
messageBodyPart.setContent(aMessage, "text/html; charset=utf-8");
//Set the sent date for the email
_msg.setSentDate(new java.util.Date());
//Send the message
Transport _transport =_session.getTransport("smtp");
_transport.connect(getsmtpHost(), getsmtpUser(), getsmtpPassword());
_transport.sendMessage(_msg, _msg.getAllRecipients());
}catch (Exception e) {
//check If passed in string contains only non whitespace
public static boolean isEmpty(String aValue) {
return (aValue == null || aValue.trim().length() == 0);
Add external JAR files to the component classpath by using the Runtime viewIf your component depends on third-party JAR files, ensure
that you include them to the component’s classpath by using the
Runtime view. Before you can add JAR files to the component’s classpath
by using the Runtime view, import them into the following Eclipse
project folder:
Because the e-mail component depends on the mailapi.jar and activation.jar
files, import these JAR files into the Eclipse project folder. After
you import the JAR files, you can add them to your component’s classpath
by using the Runtime view. Once you successfully add a JAR file
to your component’s classpath, the class-path element
in the component XML file is automatically updated. That is, you
do not have to manually update the class-path element
in the component XML file. For example, after you add the mailapi.jar
and activation.jar files, the following XML element is part of your
component XML file.
lib/internal/activation.jar lib/internal/mailapi.jar
In addition, the JAR files are displayed in the Runtime view.
To add JAR files to the component’s classpath by using the Runtime
view, perform the following tasks:
Within your Eclipse project, select the component XML file.
Select the Runtime tab that is located near the bottom of
your development environment.
Click the Add button.
In the JAR selection dialog box, select the JAR files located
in the lib/internal folder.
Click OK.
Package the LiveCycle component by using the Ant scriptYou can package a LiveCycle component into a JAR
file by using the ANT script that is available with your Java component
project. By default, the filename of the Ant script is build.xml
and it is located in the project root. You can run the Ant script
from your Eclipse environment.
Before running the Ant script, check the settings
to ensure that your environment is set correctly. You can modify
the by using its build view or the
view. The view represents the source code, as shown
in the following example.
install.dir ./lib
src.dir ./src
lib.dir ./lib
classes.dir ./classes
deploy.dir ./deploy
bin.includes = src/
src.includes = src/
The build view is a graphical view of the build properties, as
shown in the following illustration.
Using this view, you can specify the files to include in the
component JAR file, such the component XML file, the source files,
and so on. After you set the build properties, run the Ant script
from your Eclipse project. This script produces the JAR file that
represents your LiveCycle component. The Ant script logs
messages to the Console view while it is generating the component
JAR file. The Console view specifies the location of the component
JAR file after a successful build occurs, as shown in the following
illustration. Notice that the path where the component JAR file
exists is highlighted.
注意: By default, the directory where the component
JAR is placed is specified in the deploy directory.
To package the LiveCycle component by using the Ant script, perform
the following tasks:
In your Package Explorer, select
Select the Build tab located at the bottom of the Build Configuration view.
Modify the build properties to meet your business requirements. Ensure
that the required files such as the component XML file and the class files
located in the bin folder are selected.
In your Package Explorer, select the build.xml file.
Right click and select Run As, Ant Build.
Deploy the componentAfter the Ant script builds the component
JAR file, you deploy it to LiveCycle using Workbench. (See Deploying your component.)
Testing the componentAfter you deploy your LiveCycle component, you can test it. (See Testing your component.)