Creating Authentication Providers

You can create authentication providers for User Management to use when authenticating users. Creating Authentication Providers explains how to use the User Management SPI to create custom authentication providers that you can integrate with LiveCycle.

An authentication provider is used when you create a directory service provider and those users want to authenticate with LiveCycle. Consider a directory service provider that retrieves users from a MySQL database. In order for any of those users to perform a LiveCycle task, such as invoking a LiveCycle service, the user must be authenticated. An authentication provider is dependent on a directory service provider; therefore, create a directory service provider before you create an authentication provider. (See Creating Directory Service Providers.)

注意: To follow along with the code examples, create a MySQL database as described in Creating Directory Service Providers.

Typically, user authentication occurs in the following sequence:

  1. A user attempts to invoke a LiveCycle service and provides a user name and password. User Management verifies whether these user credentials are valid.

  2. User Management sends the user name and password, as well as configuration information, to the authentication provider.

  3. The authentication provider connects to the user repository and authenticates the user.

  4. The authentication provider returns the results to User Management.

  5. User Management either allows or denies the user access to LiveCycle.

The directory service provider created in Programming with LiveCycle interacts with a MySQL database. Therefore the authentication provider must also interact with the same MySQL database to ensure that the user credentials are valid. The following illustration shows the users table that the authentication provider interacts with. Notice that this table contains a user_password field that contains the user password value. The values located in the user_password field are encrypted. This table belongs to a MySQL database named spi.

Summary of steps

To develop an authentication provider, perform the following steps:

  1. Set up your development environment.

  2. Define your application logic.

  3. Define the component XML file.

  4. Package the component.

  5. Deploy and test your component.

Sample files

To see sample files that represent an authentication provider, see the <install directory>/Adobe/Adobe LiveCycle ES4/sdk\samples\LiveCycleESAPI\FoundationSPI\UserManagementAuthentication folder.

Setting up your development environment

To create a custom authentication provider, create an Eclipse Java project. The version of Eclipse that is supported is 3.2.1 or later. The User Management SPI requires the um-spi.jar file to exist in your project’s class path. If you do not reference this JAR file, you cannot use the User Management SPI in your Java project. This JAR file is installed with the LiveCycle SDK in the <install directory>\sdk\spi folder.

The following JAR files must be added to your project’s classpath:

  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • um-spi.jar

Defining your application logic

To define an authentication provider, create a Java class that implements the interface. This interface processes authentication requests and provides the name of the configuration node. Implement the following methods, that are invoked by User Management when it performs authentication:

  • authenticate

  • getConfigName

Authenticating users

To create an implementation that allows for the authentication of users, implement the authenticate method. User Management passes the following user and configuration values to the authenticate method when a user attempts to log in:

  • credential: A java.util.Map object containing a set of property/value pairs required to authenticate a user.

  • authConfigs: A java.util.List object containing configuration information.

The authenticate method returns a object that specifies whether the user was authenticated.

The sample authentication provider consists of two classes:

  • SampleAuthenticationManager: Handles the requests from LiveCycle to authenticate users. This class implements the AuthProvider class and contains the following methods: authenticate and getConfigName.

  • AuthenticationController: Interacts with the MySQL database to ensure that the specified user credentials are valid. This class retrieves data from the MySQL database by using classes located in the java.sql.* package.

The method located in the AuthenticationController class that interacts with the users table is named isValidUser. This method returns a Boolean value that specifies whether user credentials are valid. The following code example shows the application logic of this method.

private boolean isValidUser(String userName, String password) { 
boolean valid = false; 
//Create connection to mySQL server 
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://hsmithk-380:3306/spi", "root", "password"); 
Statement statement = con.createStatement(); 
/*Compare the username and password, return the amount of matches 
*If using a plain text password, you can compare the password without using the PASSWORD() function 
ResultSet res = statement.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users where userid='"+userName+"' AND user_password=PASSWORD('"+password+"')"); 
//Go to the first result; 
//If a positive number of matches was returned, the username/password values are valid 
if (res.getInt("COUNT(*)") > 0){ 
}catch(Exception e){ 
return valid; 

Retrieving the configuration

Your implementation of the AuthProvider interface must include a getConfigName method. This method provides the name of the configuration node whose first-level children are extracted from the configuration file. The getConfigName method does not require any input parameters and returns a string value.

This example contains a sample implementation of the getConfigName() method.

public String getConfigName() { 
    return "SampleAuthenticationManager"; 

Defining the SampleAuthenticationManager implementation

The following application logic represents the SampleAuthenticationManager class.

package com.adobe.livecycle.samples.authentication; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import com.adobe.livecycle.samples.authentication.AuthenticationController; 
    * This class is a sample implementation of a authentication providers.  
    * It interacts with a MySQL database named spi.users to determine  
    * if user credentials are valid.  
    * For information about the MySQL database, see "Creating Authentication Provider" 
    * in "Programming with LiveCycle." 
public class SampleAuthenticationManager implements AuthProvider { 
    private static AuthenticationController sampleAuthentication = new AuthenticationController(); 
    public AuthResponse authenticate(Map credential, List authConfigs) { 
        String userName = null; 
        String password = null; 
        String authType = null; 
        AuthResponse authResponse = null; 
        // check the credential map to find out what the credentials are 
        if (credential.containsKey(AuthProvider.USER_NAME)) 
            userName = (String) credential.get(AuthProvider.USER_NAME); 
        if (credential.containsKey(AuthProvider.PASSWORD)) 
            password = (String) credential.get(AuthProvider.PASSWORD); 
        if (credential.containsKey(AuthProvider.AUTH_TYPE)) 
            authType = (String) credential.get(AuthProvider.AUTH_TYPE); 
        if (authType == null || authType.equals(AuthScheme.AUTHTYPE_USERNAME_PWD)) { 
            for (int i = 0;i < authConfigs.size();i++) { 
                AuthConfigBO authConfigBO = (AuthConfigBO)authConfigs.get(i); 
                authResponse = sampleAuthentication.doAuth(userName, password, authConfigBO.getDomainName()); 
                if (AuthResponse.AUTH_SUCCESS.equals(authResponse.getAuthStatus())) { 
                    return authResponse; 
        return authResponse; 
     * This method returns the config name of this Provider. This name would be the configuration node whose first-level  
     * children are extracted from the configuration file. 
    public String getConfigName() { 
        return "SampleAuthenticationManager"; 

Defining the AuthenticationController implementation

The following application logic represents the AuthenticationController class.

package com.adobe.livecycle.samples.authentication; 
import java.sql.Connection; 
import java.sql.DriverManager; 
import java.sql.ResultSet; 
import java.sql.Statement; 
public class AuthenticationController { 
     * This method returns an object of type 
     *, which contains the 
     * information about the success/failure of the authentication operation. 
    public AuthResponse doAuth(String userName, String password, 
            String domainName) { 
        AuthResponse response = new AuthResponseImpl(); 
        if (userName == null || "".equals(userName) || password == null 
                || "".equals(password)) { 
            System.out.println("User Name or Password is null"); 
            .setErrorMessage("Sorry!! User Name and Password could not be empty! Please provide User Name & Password!"); 
            return response; 
        if (isValidUser(userName, password)) { 
            System.out.println("User " + userName + " is valid !!!"); 
        } else { 
            System.out.println("User " + userName + " is not a valid user!!!"); 
        return response; 
     * The method authenticates a user by interacting with the spi.users MySQL database  
    private boolean isValidUser(String userName, String password) { 
        boolean valid = false; 
            //Create connection to mySQL server 
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://hsmithk-380:3306/spi", "root", "password"); 
            Statement statement = con.createStatement(); 
             * Compare the username and password, return the amount of matches 
             * If using a plain text password, you can compare the password without using the PASSWORD() function 
            ResultSet res = statement.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users where userid='"+userName+"' AND user_password=PASSWORD('"+password+"')"); 
            //Go to the first result 
            //If a positive number of matches was returned, the username/password values are valid 
            if (res.getInt("COUNT(*)") > 0){ 
        }catch(Exception e){ 
        return valid; 
注意: Ensure that you reference the MySQL database properly. Within jdbc:mysql://hsmithk-380:3306/spi, replace hsmithk-380 with the name of the server hosting your MySQL database.

Defining the component XML file for the authentication provider

Create a component XML file in order to deploy the authentication provider component. A component XML file exists for each component and provides metadata about the component. For more information about the component XML file, see the Component XML Reference.

The following component.xml file is used for the authentication provider. Notice that the service name is SampleAuthenticationManagerService and the operations this service exposes are authenticate and getConfigName.

Defining the component XML file for the authentication provider

<component xmlns=""> 
         <package version="1.0" isOptional="true">*</package> 
         <service name="SampleAuthenticationManagerService"> 
                <specification spec-id=""/> 
               <operation name="authenticate" method="authenticate" > 
                  <input-parameter name="credential" type="java.util.Map" /> 
                  <input-parameter name="authConfigs" type="java.util.List" /> 
                  <output-parameter name="echoed-value" type=""/> 
               <operation name="getConfigName" method="getConfigName" > 
                  <output-parameter name="echoed-value" type="java.lang.String"/> 

Packaging the authentication provider

Before deploying the authentication provider to LiveCycle, you package your Eclipse project into a JAR file. Ensure that the component XML file and the external JAR files on which the authentication provider’s business logic depends are present. The component.xml file and external JAR files must be located at the root of the JAR file.

The following illustration shows the Eclipse project’s content that is packaged into the custom authentication provider’s JAR file.

Package the authentication provider into a JAR file named adobe-authentication-spi-dsc.jar. In the previous diagram, notice that .JAVA files are listed. Once packaged into a JAR file, the corresponding .CLASS files must also be specified. Without the .CLASS files, the authentication provider does not work.

注意: After you package the authentication provider into a JAR file, you can deploy the component to LiveCycle. (See Deploying your component.)
注意: You can also programmatically deploy a component. (See Programmatically Deploying Components.)

Deploying and testing the authentication provider

After you package the authentication provider, deploy and test it.

To deploy and test the authentication provider:

  1. Deploy the adobe-authentication-spi-dsc.jar file using Workbench.

  2. Restart the application server.

  3. Log in to Administration Console.

  4. Click Settings > User Management > Domain Management > New Enterprise Domain.

  5. Specify the name and identifier of the domain.

  6. Click Add Directory and add a directory to the domain so that it contains some users.

  7. Click Add Authentication. You are prompted to select an authentication provider.

  8. Select Custom. SampleAuthenticationManager is listed as the provider.

  9. Click OK. You can now save the domain.

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