Developing a Data Dictionary Solution

The Data Dictionary building block allows middleware developers to create and modify data dictionaries programmatically or by using a simple user interface.

Creating a data dictionary

You use the Data Dictionary Editor to create a data dictionary. You can then extend the data dictionary by adding additional required information, including fields. The Data Dictionary Editor supports two methods for creating data dictionaries. You can create data dictionary elements manually, or you can import a data dictionary from an existing data model (FML) or XSD schema. Regardless of how the data dictionary was created, the business process owner does not need knowledge of the back-end systems. The business process owner only needs knowledge of the domain objects, and their definitions, for their process.

To create a Data Dictionary, select the Admin pane and then select the Data Dictionaries tab. Click New to create the Data Dictionary and launch the Data Dictionary Editor. For more information on the Data Dictionary Editor, see Data Dictionary Editor.

System data dictionary

You can configure the Platform Content user interface related preferences using Asset Type Definition. Asset Type Definition is a System Data Dictionary representing the asset type. For example, the Correspondence Management Solution delivers preconfigured data dictionaries for specific asset types in form of FML files. These files can be repackaged and redeployed.

Creating a data dictionary manually

When creating the data dictionary manually you must enter each element one by one into the Data Dictionary Editor. You then manually enter any Extended Properties that correspond to the data dictionary itself, which are stored as metadata attributes.

Data dictionary extended properties

Then add the data dictionary elements with their associated properties. For information on data dictionary element attributes, see Data dictionary elements.

Creating a data dictionary from XSD

When creating the data dictionary from an XSD schema you import the schema from the Data Dictionary Editor. Click Import Data Dictionary (XSD) on the Definition pane of the Data Dictionary Editor.

There are a few important items that you must consider when creating a data dictionary:

  • An XSD can only be created from one top-level node. If a schema is imported with multiple top-level nodes, the Data Dictionary Editor prompts you to select a top-level node.

  • Data dictionary element definitions do not support empty keys. Empty values are ignored. Do not use the colon(:) or vertical bar(|) characters within the key or value of an extended property. If you do, the key can be lost or split into multiple keys.

  • The creation of sample XML data from a data dictionary containing attributes is not supported. Sample-XML data generation does not produce the correct XML. The error is due to the fact that both attributes and elements are treated as elements in the sample-XML-data generation.

You can modify the properties for your data dictionary, as well as any properties for your elements. Extended properties can be defined at this time. For an example of a properly formed schema, see Sample Schema that can be imported into the Data Dictionary.

Creating a data dictionary from an existing model

When creating the data dictionary from an existing model (FML), import the model using the Data Dictionary Editor. Click Import Data Dictionary (FML) on the Definition pane of the Data Dictionary Editor. A data dictionary created using the Data Dictionary Editor has been extended and annotated using custom annotations. For more information, see Difference between data dictionary and typical Adobe application modeling technology.

The data dictionary created this way has both the Properties and Definition for the data dictionary.

Migrating the data dictionary

Once you have created a data dictionary, you can migrate it to another environment. For example, a data dictionary created in a staging environment can be migrated into a production environment. The data dictionary is exported into an annotated model (FML), and then imported on the new system. You migrate the data dictionary using the Data Dictionary Editor. Open the data dictionary in the Data Dictionary Editor and click the Export FML icon to save the annotated FML file. A published data dictionary can also be exported and then imported to a new installation using the Manage Assets user interface.

You can copy the FML file to another system. On the new system, launch the Data Dictionary Editor and use Import FML to load the Data Dictionary onto the new system.

注意: A data dictionary created using the Data Dictionary Editor has been extended and annotated using custom annotations. Therefore only FML files exported using the Data Dictionary Editor can be imported. For more information, see Difference between data dictionary and typical Adobe application modeling technology.

Generating sample XML data for the data dictionary

You can generate sample XML Data to use as test data. In the Data Dictionary Editor, use the Get Sample XML Data option on the Definition pane to export the sample XML data for the data dictionary.