HomeAppendixDITA 1.3 specificationLanguage reference: All-inclusive editionLearning and training elementsLearning and training: interactions domain elements (DEPRECATED)Interactions domain content elements (DEPRECATED) ➜ lcAreaCoords


The <lcAreaCoords> element was deprecated in DITA version 1.3. It was replaced with the <lcAreaCoords2> element. It was originally intended to specify the coordinates of a linkable hotspot in a learning image.

This element contains text data representing coordinate data for learning images with linkable hotspots. Pixels are the recommended units for describing coordinates. The syntax of the coordinate data depends on the shape described by the coordinates, and is based on the image map definition in HTML. It uses the following data for the appropriate shapes:
Data format
left-x, top-y, right-x, bottom-y
center-x, center-y, radius
x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN. To close the polygon, ensure that the first x and y coordinate pair and the last are the same.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ topic/ph learningInteractionBase-d/ph learning-d/lcAreaCoords


   <image href="hotlogos.gif">
     <alt>Baseball team logos</alt>
   <lcArea id="giants">
   <lcArea id="orioles">


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (with a narrowed definition of @translate, given below), outputclass, and @keyref.

Indicates whether the content of the element should be translated or not. For this element the default value is "no". Setting to "yes" will override the default. The DITA architectural specification contains a list of each OASIS DITA element and its common processing default for the translate value; because this element uses an actual default, it will always be treated as translate="no" unless overridden as described. Available values are:
The content of this element is not translateable.
The content of this element is translateable.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.