Home ➜ Appendix ➜ DITA 1.3 specification ➜ Language reference: All-inclusive edition ➜ Learning and training elements ➜ Learning and training: interactions domain elements ➜ Top level interactions elements
Top level interactions elements provide the primary question types available in the learning interactions domains.
element to provide information or notes you want to provide to the course instructor. These notes can be conditionalized out of content you intend to deliver to the learner. This element replaces the <lcInstructornote>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcOpenQuestion2>
to pose an open-ended question in an assessment interaction. This element replaces the <lcOpenQuestion>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcTrueFalse2>
interaction presents the learner with two choices, one correct, the other incorrect, often presented as true/false or yes/no responses. This element replaces the <lcTrueFalse>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcSingleSelect2>
interaction presents three or more choices, only one of which is correct. This element replaces the <lcSingleSelect>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcMultipleSelect2>
interaction, the learner must indicate two or more correct answers from a list of choices.This element replaces the <lcMultipleSelect>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcSequencing2>
interaction asks the learner to arrange a list of choices into a predefined order, such as small to large. This element replaces the <lcSequencing>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcMatching2>
interaction, the learner identifies the correct choice that matches another choice and, optionally, any feedback for the pair or for correct or incorrect matches. This element replaces the <lcMatching>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcHotspot2>
interaction, the learner clicks on a region of the screen to indicate a choice. This element replaces the <lcHotspot>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcInteractionBase2>
as the base for more specialized assessment types. This element replaces the <lcInteractionBase>
element in DITA 1.2.<lcQuestionBase2>
element is the base for <lcQuestion2>
in the learning2Domain domain. This is an "abstract" element type intended only for use as a base for specialization. This element replaces the <lcQuestion>
element in DITA 1.2.