HomeAppendixDITA 1.3 specificationArchitectural specification: All-inclusive editionDITA addressingIndirect key-based addressingExamples of keys ➜ examples: Key definitions for variable text

Examples: Key definitions for variable text

Key definitions can be used to store variable text, such as product names and user-interface labels. Depending on the key definition, the rendered output might have a link to a related resource.

In the following example, a "product-name" key is defined. The key definition contains a child <keyword> element nested within a <keydef>element.

  <keydef keys="product-name">
A topic can reference the "product-name" key by using the following markup:
<topic id="topicid">
  <p><keyword keyref="product-name"/> is a product designed to ...</p>

When processed, the output contains the text "Thing-O-Matic is a product designed to ... ".

In the following example, the key definition contains both a reference to a resource and variable text.

  <keydef keys="product-name" href="thing-o-matic.dita">

When processed using the key reference from the first example, the output contains the "Thing-O-Matic is a product designed to ... " text. The phrase "Thing-O-Matic" also is a link to the thing-o-matic.dita topic.