Add items in the Data Model view

In the Data Model view, you can add items that you can use in your Guide. These items are available only for the current Guide and are not saved in the original data model. Any data that these items retrieve is not submitted when your Guide is deployed as part of a process.

You cannot reuse these items in other Guides that are based on the same data model. To reuse any of these items, edit the model source file. For example, edit the FML file in the Data Model perspective, or edit the XDP form in Designer.

In the Data Model view, you can add the following items for your Guide:

Data objects
If the model associated with a Guide contains several persistent entities, only the entity you selected as the root appears in the Data Model view. To use another entity in the associated model, you can add it as a data object.

List sources
Use a list source to populate the contents of a list. In the Control Type properties, when you specify a List Box or a Drop Down List, you must select a list source. When the Guide is submitted, the list contents are not submitted. However, the selected value from the list can be submitted as data.

Inputs are data-entry fields.

Rules contain conditional logic that you can bind to items in your Guide. Rules are driven by existing Guide information and they affect the behavior of your Guide.

Use bindings to copy data from one item in the Data Model view to another.

A variation is a special list that controls aspects of a Guide during different steps in a process. You can use a variation to display a different view of a Guide, based on user action.

Data objects

You can add additional entities from your model to the Data Model view in the Guide Design perspective. The Data Model view displays only data objects in the root entity that you selected when you created the Guide. If your model contains additional entities that are outside the root entity, you can add them to the Data Model view.

After you add a data object in the Data Model view, you can use it in your Guide.

Add a data object:

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add Data Object. The Add Data Object dialog box displays each entity in your model, as well as the associated service and function.

  2. Select the entity to add to the Data Model view in the Guide Design perspective, and then click OK.

  3. In the Data Model view, right-click the entity you added and select Properties.

  4. Edit the properties as required.

List sources

A list source contains the list items that are used by a list. Each list item has a label and a value. Separating the label and the value enables you to translate the labels without changing the associated values.

List sources replace the selection lists in previous versions of Workbench. Existing selection lists continue to work in Guides that were created in previous versions of Workbench.

When to use a list source

Use a list source when the data model does not include a collection of list items that you need to associate with a list control. You can also use a list source when you need to localize the list items.

Use a list source to specify a list of items for a list control, when the list contents are not specified in the data model. For example, use a list source to populate a list box with a list of countries. You can also use a list source for a code table of states, to code the label California to the value CA.

Remarque : If you configure a list to update dynamically at run time, when the list of selected items changes, the value in the list resets to the first item. The Guide filler must select a new value from the new list.

Add a list and a list source

You can add a list source to the Data Model view in the Guide Design perspective. When you add a list source, it is added only to the Guide, and is not added to the data model. Only the associated Guide can use the list source; it is not available to other Guides that are based on the same data model. To reuse a list in another model, create a collection in an data model (FML) or create a list in an XDP or PDF form.

When the Guide is submitted, the list contents are not submitted. However, the selected value can be submitted if you bind the list source to the list.

The list source appears in the List Source section in the Data Model view.

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add List Source. The list source properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

  2. Type the List Source Name.

  3. Specify the list items:

    • To add list items directly in the list source, select Specify List Items. For each list item, click the Add button and then type the Label and Data.

    • To add list items from an XML file, select Get List Items From XML File. The following example shows the format of the list source file. It includes the label and data for each list item:

      <model xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 
                  <label xliff:rid="...">Bicycle Yellow</label> 
                  <label xliff:rid="...">Bicycle Blue</label> 
  4. Add a data model item or an input to the Guide.

    • To add a data model item, drag the item from the Data Model view onto the panel in the editor.

    • To add an input, from the Data Model view menu, select Add Input. The input appears in the Data Model view and the input properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

      • In the Guide Properties view, type a name for the input.

      • In the Data Model view, select the input and drag it onto the panel in the editor.

  5. In the editor, select the data model item or input that you added. The field properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

  6. In the Guide Properties view, from the Control Type properties, select a list type from the Display As options. The list types that you can select include Check Box List, Drop Down List, List Box, Radio Button List, and Static List.

  7. From the List Source options, select the list source that you created.

  8. If necessary, specify a default value for the list:

    • To specify a default value for an item that you added from the data model, from the Data Model view menu, select Add Binding. The binding properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

      • In the Source property, type the data value of list source item that you want to set as the default value.

      • From the Copy To property, select the data model item that you set as the list.

    • To specify a default value for an input, in the Data Model view, right-click the input, and then select Properties. The input properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

      • In the Default Value field, type the data value of the list source item that you want to set as the default value.

For more information about the list source properties, see List source properties.


A variation is a special kind of list. It allows you to associate customized Guide behavior with a specific step in a process. In some cases, a process step requires a variation in the Guide interface or functionality. For example, after a Guide passes an approval step, you can configure subsequent steps to use a variation in which some fields are read-only.

Instead of creating multiple copies of a Guide to meet the requirements of different steps, configure one Guide to vary its display and behavior. Associate each view of the Guide with an item in the variation list. You can then use the variation list to specify which view of the Guide a step in the process uses.

Add a variation

Add a variation to the Data Model view in the Guide Design perspective. Only the associated Guide can use the variation; it is not available to other Guides that are based on the same data model.

After you add the variation, add the required variations as list items. For example, create items based on the status of a Guide, filled or approved, or the names of process steps, such as initialstep or finalstep.

After you define a list of variations, you can control the properties of the items in your Guide based on the selected variation. You can bind it to the display, read-only, and required rules, and the set the condition. If the Guide needs more complex rules, bind the variations to a rule, and then bind the rule to the property.

You can only add one variation to a Guide.

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add Variation. The variation properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

  2. Edit the properties as required.

For more information about the variations properties, see Variation properties.

Binding rules to variations

After you create a variation, its values appear in the Data Model view.

The variation appears in the Selection Lists category in the Data Model view. It includes the following items that you can bind a rule to:
  • listOfItems: Returns a list of items.

  • selectedItem: Returns the value that is selected.

  • selectedItem == <list item>: The list items that you create in the Guide Properties view for the variation. The list items are boolean values that return true or false.

Use the variation to control the properties of a Guide item. For example, bind an Approved item to the Read-only property for a Totals field. (See Binding items in the Data Model view.)

Variations and processes

When you design processes, you often specify a Guide as the asset used by an Assign Task or Assign Multiple Tasks operation. These operations represent a step in the process where tasks are assigned to users and groups. If the specified Guide has a variation list, the list appears in the operation's Presentation and Data properties. From the list, select the appropriate variation to use for the operation.

At runtime, the configuration associated with the variation and the variation specified for the process step determine the behavior of the Guide.

If you modify the variation list for the Guide later, the variation list that appears in the process designer updates automatically.


An input is a data-entry field that appears in a Guide but is not part of the data model. Inputs are used for Guides only, and retrieved data is not submitted when the Guide is deployed as part of a process.

For example, use inputs to specify display rules or default values. You can also set inputs using the Render Guide process as part of variations processing. An application that uses the Guide component with multiple Guides, based on multiple data models, can use inputs to share common data.

Add an input:

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add Input. The new input appears in the Data Model view.

  2. In the Guide Properties view, edit the input properties as required.


A rule contains conditional logic that you can bind to an item in your Guide. Rules are driven by existing Guide information and they affect the behavior of your Guide.

After you add a rule, add one or more conditions to the rule. You can bind each condition to an item in the Data Model view, including data model items and Guide-specific items, such as inputs.

Remarque : Do not bind a condition to the rule it belongs to, because that creates an endless loop.

After you add a rule in the Data Model view, you can bind it to a property in the Guide Properties view. You can bind a rule to the following properties:

  • The Display Rules for a field or panel

  • A condition for another rule, which chains the rules together

  • The Copy To property for a binding item

  • The Retrieve Data condition for a list source or a data object

For example, use a rule to specify that a particular panel appears in the navigation panel when two specific fields are filled.

Afficher le graphique en taille réelle
Create a rule that causes the panel to appear when the specified fields are filled.
Afficher le graphique en taille réelle
Bind the rule to the Display Rules for the panel that you want to appear when the fields are filled.

The rules you add to the Data Model view are available only for the current Guide. You cannot reuse these rules in other Guides that are based on the same data model.

Add a rule

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add Rule. The new rule appears in the Rules category in the Data Model view, and the properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

  2. Add one or more conditions for the rule. You can set the conditions to either All or Any condition.

  3. Select the item that you want to bind to a rule.

  4. In the Guide Properties view, bind a property to the rule.


Use bindings to copy data from one item in the Data Model view to another. Bindings enable you to copy data from an external data source, such as an input or a data object, into the root entity. When the data is copied into the root entity, it is submitted when the Guide is deployed as part of a process.

The bindings you add in the Data Model view are available only for the current Guide. You cannot reuse these bindings in other Guides that are based on the same data model.

Add a binding:

  1. From the Data Model view menu, select Add Binding. The new binding appears in the Bindings category in the Data Model view and the properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

  2. In the Guide Properties view, type the Binding Name.

  3. Specify the Source. You can type a string literal value or bind an item in the Data Model view.

  4. From the Copy To options, select the item in the Data Model view where you want to copy the data.

  5. If necessary, drag an item from the Data Model view onto the binding icon for the Perform Copy property, and then select a When condition.

Data Model view menu

In the Data Model view, you can add data objects, inputs, list sources, rules, and bindings. These items are available for use in the Guide, but are not part of the root entity and any data that is entered is not submitted.

The menu in the Data Model view includes the following options:

Add Data Object
Displays the Add Data Object dialog box. The dialog box displays each entity in the data model that the Guide is based on, as well as the associated service and function. If the data model contains additional entities that are outside the root entity, you can add them to the Data Model view. When you add a data object, it appears in the Data Model view and the properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

Add Input
Adds an input in the Inputs category and displays the properties in the Guide Properties view. An input is a data-entry field that appears in a Guide but is not part of the model. Inputs are used for Guides only, and retrieved data is not submitted when the Guide is deployed as part of a process.

Add List Source
Adds a list source in the List Source category and displays the properties in the Guide Properties view. It is added only to the Guide, and is not added to the model. Only the associated Guide can use the list source; it is not available to other Guides that are based on the same model. A list source is not part of the model. Therefore, data that is retrieved is not submitted when the Guide is deployed as part of a process.

Add Variation
Adds a variation in the Selection Lists category, and displays the properties in the Guide Properties view. A variation is a special kind of list. It allows you to associate customized Guide behavior with a specific step in a process.

Add Rule
Adds a rule in the Rules category, and displays the properties in the Guide Properties view. A rule contains conditional logic that you can bind to an item in your Guide. Rules are driven by existing Guide information and they affect the behavior of your Guide. After you add a rule, add one or more conditions to the rule. You can bind each condition to an item in the Data Model view. After you add a rule in the Data Model view, you can bind it to a property in the Guide Properties view.

The rules you add to the Data Model view are available only for the current Guide. You cannot reuse these rules in other Guides that are based on the same model.

Add Binding
Adds a binding in the Bindings category and displays the properties in the Guide Properties view. Use bindings to copy data from one item in the Data Model view to another. Bindings enable you to copy data from an external data source, such as an input or a data object, into the root entity. When the data is copied into the root entity, it is submitted when the Guide is deployed as part of a process. The bindings you add in the Data Model view are available only for the current Guide. You cannot reuse these bindings in other Guides that are based on the same model.

Deletes the selected item from the Data Model view. You can delete only the data objects, inputs, list sources, variations, rules, or bindings that you added to the Data Model view.

Refresh Model
Refreshes the Data Model view when the associated data model has been changed.

Data Model Settings
Displays the Data Model Settings dialog box. You can view and change the data model, data model root node, and pre-built data model (SWF) for the Guide.

Show/Hide Constraints
Shows or hides any constraints in the Data Model view.

Show/Hide Labels
Shows or hides the labels in the Data Model view.

Displays the properties for the selected item in the Guide Properties view.