Selecting Guide and panel layouts

You can select a layout for each Guide. Guide layouts specify the type of navigation control that the Guide uses. Guide layouts also specify the placement of the navigation hierarchy, Guide Help text, and data entry regions within the Guide.

You can also select a layout for each panel in your Guide. The panel layouts control how the controls flow on a single panel.

Use repeater layouts to display repeating data inside a single panel. For example, to display the data for a data collection, which typically have more than one instance, you can use a Repeater Tab, Repeater Accordion, Repeater Grid. In the Guide Properties view, in the Repeat Based On property, select the collection that is the data provider for the repeating data.

Select a Guide layout

  1. In the Guide Tree view, select the Guide container.

  2. If the Guide Properties view is not displayed, click Window > Show View > Guide Properties.

  3. In the Guide Properties view, select a layout from the Guide Layout list.

Remarque : You can create custom Guide layouts in Flash Builder and import the layouts into your Guide. The Guide needs two versions of each custom extensions file. For the runtime Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.5 SDK. For the design-time Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.1 SDK, and then add “_designtime” to the filename. For example, if the runtime file is named myextensions.swc, name the design-time file myextensions_designtime.swc.

Select a panel layout

  1. In the Guide Tree view, select a Panel.

  2. If the Guide Properties view is not displayed, click Window > Show View > Guide Properties.

  3. In the Guide Properties view, select a panel layout from the Layout list.

Remarque : You can create custom panel layouts in Flash Builder and import the layouts into your Guide. The Guide needs two versions of each custom extensions file. For the runtime Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.5 SDK. For the design-time Guide, compile the SWC file with the Flex 4.1 SDK, and then add “_designtime” to the filename. For example, if the runtime file is named myextensions.swc, name the design-time file myextensions_designtime.swc.