You can programmatically add a Remoting endpoint to a service
by using the LiveCycle Java API. By adding a Remoting endpoint,
you are enabling a Flex application to invoke the service by using
remoting. (See Invoking LiveCycle using Remoting.)
For the purposes of programmatically adding a Remoting endpoint
to a service, consider the following short-lived process named EncryptDocument.
This process accepts an unsecured PDF document as an input value
and then passes the unsecured PDF document to the Encryption service’s EncryptPDFUsingPassword operation.
The PDF document is encrypted with a password, and the password-encrypted
PDF document is the output value of this process. The name of the
input value (the unsecured PDF document) is InDoc and
the data type is com.adobe.idp.Document. The name
of the output value (the password-encrypted PDF document) is SecuredDoc and
the data type is com.adobe.idp.Document.
To demonstrate how to add a Remoting endpoint to a service, this
section adds a Remoting endpoint to a service named EncryptDocument.
Remarque : You cannot add a Remoting endpoint by using
web services.