Creating an Alfresco Module Package (Deprecated)

Remarque : Adobe is migrating Adobe® LiveCycle® Content Services ES customers to the Content Repository built on the modern, modular CRX architecture, acquired during the Adobe acquisition of Day Software. The Content Repository is provided with LiveCycle Foundation and is available as of the LiveCycle ES4 release.

An Alfresco Module Package (AMP) is a collection of code, XML, images, CSS, and other content that collectively extend the functionality or data provided by the LiveCycle Content Services (deprecated) repository. An AMP can contain a set of custom templates, a new category, a custom model and associated user interface customizations, or a complete new set of functionality such as records management.

Anything that extends the Content Services (deprecated) repository is called a module, and must be packaged as an AMP by adding it to the Content Services (deprecated) WAR file using the Module Management Tool. After the WAR file is deployed to the application server and the repository is restarted, the installed module configuration is detected and the repository is bootstrapped to include the new module functionality and data.

The information below is based on a sample located within your SDK installation at \sdk\misc\ContentServices\\BasicAmpSample.

Summary of steps

To create an AMP, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Set up the AMP project structure.

  2. Build the AMP.

  3. Install the AMP.

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