Technical content document types: Included domains and constraints

This topic provides a summary of which domains and constraints are used in each of the technical content document types.

Table 1. Domain and constraint usage in technical content document types
Document type Includes these domains Does not include
Map (technical content)
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Base domains
    • Classify (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • xNAL (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
    • xNAL (map/topic)
  • Base domains
    • Classify (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training
Classification map
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
    • Classify (map)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
    • xNAL (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training
Subject Scheme
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
    • Map group (map)
  • Base domains
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Classify (map)
    • Ditavalref (map)
  • Anything from Technical content
  • Anything from learning and training
Topic (technical content), Concept, Reference, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
  • Base domains
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Classify (map)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • xNAL (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training
Task, Composite (ditabase), Troubleshooting
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
  • Base domains
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Classify (map)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • xNAL (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training
Machinery task
  • Base domains
    • @deliveryTarget attribute
    • Hazard statement (map/topic)
    • Highlighting (map/topic)
    • Indexing (map/topic)
    • Utilities (map/topic)
  • Technical content domains
    • SVG (map/topic)
    • User interface (map/topic)
    • Task requirements (topic)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Base domains
    • Conref delayed resolution (map/topic)
    • Classify (map)
    • Ditavalref (map)
    • Map group (map)
  • Technical content domains
    • Abbreviated form (map/topic)
    • Equation (map/topic)
    • MathML (map/topic)
    • Markup (map/topic)
    • Programming (map/topic)
    • Release management (map/topic)
    • Software (map/topic)
    • XML Mention (map/topic)
    • xNAL (map/topic)
    • Glossary reference (map)
  • Technical content constraints
    • Strict task body constraint
    • Machinery task body constraint
  • Anything from learning and training