HomeAnnexeSpécification DITA 1.3Language reference: All-inclusive editionClassification elementsSubject scheme elements ➜ subjectHead


The <subjectHead> element provides a heading for a group of subjects, for use if the scheme is displayed. For instance, a ►scheme might◄ be displayed to let a user select subjects as part of faceted browsing. The <subjectHead> element itself does not reference a file and cannot be referenced as a key, so it does not define any controlled values.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


- map/topicref subjectScheme/subjectHead


In this example the Server setup label doesn't classify content but, when selected, is equivalent to the union of its child subjects. That is, the heading covers content about planning for any application, installing for any application, any task for web servers, or any task for database servers.

<subjectScheme toc="yes" search="no">
  <!-- ... -->
      <navtitle>Server setup</navtitle>
    <subjectdef href="planningTaskType.dita"/>
    <subjectdef href="installingTaskType.dita"/>
    <subjectdef href="webServerApp.dita"/>
    <subjectdef href="databaseApp.dita"/>
  <!-- ... -->


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, @navtitle from Topicref element attributes group, and outputclass. This element also uses @processing-role, @toc, and narrowed definitions of @collection-type and @linking from Attributes common to many map elements.
Collection types describe how links relate to each other. The processing default is "unordered", although no default is specified in the DTD or Schema. Allowable values for @collection-type on this element are:
Indicates that the order of the child topics is not significant.
Indicates that the order of the child topics is significant; output processors will typically link between them in order.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
Defines some specific linking characteristics of subject topics. "normal" is the only valid value, and is specified as the default in the DTD, XSD Schema, and RELAX NG implementations. When attribute values cascade, this causes a linking value of "normal" to cascade to the subjects.