Complex-table attribute group

The Complex-table attribute group includes several attributes that are defined on complex table elements. Most of these attributes are part of the OASIS Exchange model; table elements generally use only a subset of the attributes defined in this group. These attributes are not available for the <simpletable> elements.

Describes the alignment of text in a table column. Allowable values are:
Indicates left alignment of the text.
Indicates right alignment of the text.
Indicates center alignment of the text.
Justifies the contents to both the left and the right.
Use the character specified on the @char attribute for alignment.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

The @align attribute is available on the following table elements: <tgroup>, <colspec>, and <entry>.

Specifies the character for aligning the table entry data.

Default source for <entry> elements starting in this column. If character alignment is specified, the value is the single alignment character source for any implied @char values for entry immediately in this column. A value of "" (the null string) means there is no aligning character.

For example, if align="char" and char="r" are specified, then text in the entry should align with the first occurrence of the letter "r" within the entry.

The @char attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec> and <entry>.

Specifies the horizontal offset of alignment character when align="char".

Default source for <entry> elements starting in this column. For character alignment on an entry in the column, horizontal character offset is the percent of the current column width to the left of the (left edge of the) alignment character.

This value should be number, greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.

For example, if align="char", char="r", and charoff="50" are all specified, then text in the entry should align 50% of the distance to the left of the first occurrence of the character "r" within the entry.

The @charoff attribute is available on the following table elements: <colspec> and <entry>.

Column separator. A value of 0 indicates no separators; 1 indicates separators.

The @colsep attribute is available on the following table elements: <table>, <tgroup>, <colspec>, and <entry>.

Row separator. A value of 0 indicates no separators; 1 indicates separators.

The @rowsep attribute is available on the following table elements: <table>, <tgroup>, <row>, <colspec>, and <entry>.

Indicates whether the entries in the respective column SHOULD be considered row headers. Allowable values are:
Indicates that entries in the first column of the table are functionally row headers (analogous to the way that a <thead> element provides column headers). Applies when @rowheader is used on the <table> element.
Indicates that entries of a column described using the <colspec> element are functionally row headers (for cases with more than one column of row headers). Applies when @rowheader is used on the <colspec> element.
Indicates that entries in the first column have no special significance with respect to column headers. Applies when @rowheader is used on the <table> element.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
Note: This attribute is not part of the OASIS Exchange Table model upon which DITA tables are based. Some DITA processors or output formats might not support all values.

The @rowheader attribute is available on the following table elements: <table> and <colspec>.

Indicates the vertical alignment of text in a table entry (cell). Allowable values are:
Align the text to the top of the table entry (cell).
Align the text to the bottom of the table entry (cell).
Align the text to the middle of the table entry (cell).
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.

The @valign attribute is available on the following table elements: <thead>, <tbody>, <row>, and <entry>.