Home ➜ Annexe ➜ Spécification DITA 1.3 ➜ Architectural specification: All-inclusive edition ➜ Configuration, specialization, generalization, and constraints ➜ Constraints ➜ examples: Constraints
This section of the specification contains examples and scenarios. They illustrate a variety of ways that constraints can be used; they also provide examples of the DTD coding requirements for constraints and how constraints are integrated into document-type shells.
element and make the <shortdesc>
element required; she also wants to omit the <related-links>
element and disallow topic nesting.<section>
element. He wants to make the @id
attribute required and omit the @spectitle
and <i,>
but not <line-through>
, <overline>
, <sup>
, <sup>
, <tt>
, or <u>
. She wants to integrate this constraint into the document-type shell for task.<ph>
element but allow the extensions of <ph>
that exist in the highlighting, programming, software, and user interface domains.<tasktroubleshooting>
element available in the body of the machinery task.