Accueil > Annexe > Spécification DITA 1.3 > Content models for learning and training package > Q elements

Q elements

Content models for elements beginning with "q".

Content models for <q>

In this document type <q> contains
Base map, Base topic, Subject scheme, Learning assessment, Learning bookmap, Learning content, Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map, Learning overview, Learning plan, Learning summary (text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <unknown> | <xref>)*
Bookmap, Classify map, Map (technical content) (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <filepath> | <foreign> | <i> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <markupname> | <menucascade> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <overline> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <synph> | <systemoutput> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
Concept, Ditabase, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Reference, Task, Topic (technical content), Troubleshooting (text data | <abbreviated-form> | <apiname> | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <cmdname> | <codeph> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <equation-inline> | <filepath> | <foreign> | <i> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <markupname> | <mathml> | <menucascade> | <msgnum> | <msgph> | <numcharref> | <option> | <overline> | <parameterentity> | <parmname> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <synph> | <systemoutput> | <term> | <text> | <textentity> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <unknown> | <userinput> | <varname> | <wintitle> | <xmlatt> | <xmlelement> | <xmlnsname> | <xmlpi> | <xref>)*
Machinery task (text data | <b> | <boolean> | <cite> | <data> | <data-about> | <draft-comment> | <foreign> | <i> | <keyword> | <line-through> | <menucascade> | <overline> | <ph> | <q> | <required-cleanup> | <sort-as> | <state> | <sub> | <sup> | <svg-container> | <term> | <text> | <tm> | <tt> | <u> | <uicontrol> | <unknown> | <wintitle> | <xref>)*
In this document type <q> is contained by
Base map, Subject scheme <b>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <lq>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>
Base topic <abstract>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <howtoavoid>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>
Classify map, Map (technical content) Everything in Base map, plus: <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <fragref>, <pd>, <pt>, <screen>, <synnote>
Concept, Topic (technical content) Everything in Base topic, plus: <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <codeblock>, <codeph>, <equation-block>, <equation-inline>, <fragref>, <pd>, <pt>, <screen>, <synnote>
Bookmap Everything in Map (technical content), plus: <booklibrary>, <booktitlealt>, <mainbooktitle>, <organizationname>
Learning bookmap Everything in Base map, plus: <booklibrary>, <booktitlealt>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <mainbooktitle>, <organizationname>
Learning group map, Learning map, Learning object map Everything in Base map, plus: <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>
Ditabase Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>, <responsibleParty>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
General task, Task Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <info>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <result>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Glossary entry, Glossary group Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <glossProperty>, <glossScopeNote>, <glossUsage>, <glossdef>, <glossterm>
Reference Everything in Topic (technical content), plus: <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <refsyn>
Machinery task Everything in Base topic, plus: <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cmd>, <context>, <esttime>, <info>, <perscat>, <perskill>, <personnel>, <postreq>, <prereq>, <reqcond>, <reqcontp>, <result>, <safecond>, <screen>, <spare>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <supequi>, <supply>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <tutorialinfo>
Troubleshooting Everything in Task, plus: <responsibleParty>
Learning assessment, Learning overview, Learning summary <abstract>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <lcAnswerContent>, <lcAnswerContent2>, <lcAudience>, <lcChallenge>, <lcFeedback>, <lcFeedback2>, <lcFeedbackCorrect>, <lcFeedbackCorrect2>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>, <lcInstruction>, <lcInstructornote>, <lcInstructornote2>, <lcInteractionBase2>, <lcInteractionLabel2>, <lcIntro>, <lcItem>, <lcItem2>, <lcMatchingItem>, <lcMatchingItem2>, <lcNextSteps>, <lcObjective>, <lcObjectivesStem>, <lcOpenAnswer>, <lcOpenAnswer2>, <lcPrereqs>, <lcQuestion>, <lcQuestion2>, <lcQuestionBase>, <lcQuestionBase2>, <lcResources>, <lcReview>, <lcSummary>, <lcTime>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>
Learning content <abstract>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <chdesc>, <chdeschd>, <choice>, <choption>, <choptionhd>, <cite>, <cmd>, <context>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <info>, <itemgroup>, <lcAnswerContent>, <lcAnswerContent2>, <lcAudience>, <lcChallenge>, <lcFeedback>, <lcFeedback2>, <lcFeedbackCorrect>, <lcFeedbackCorrect2>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>, <lcInstruction>, <lcInstructornote>, <lcInstructornote2>, <lcInteractionBase2>, <lcInteractionLabel2>, <lcIntro>, <lcItem>, <lcItem2>, <lcMatchingItem>, <lcMatchingItem2>, <lcNextSteps>, <lcObjective>, <lcObjectivesStem>, <lcOpenAnswer>, <lcOpenAnswer2>, <lcPrereqs>, <lcQuestion>, <lcQuestion2>, <lcQuestionBase>, <lcQuestionBase2>, <lcResources>, <lcReview>, <lcSummary>, <lcTime>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <postreq>, <pre>, <prereq>, <propdesc>, <propdeschd>, <proptype>, <proptypehd>, <propvalue>, <propvaluehd>, <q>, <refsyn>, <result>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <stepresult>, <steps-informal>, <stepsection>, <steptroubleshooting>, <stepxmp>, <sub>, <sup>, <tasktroubleshooting>, <title>, <tt>, <tutorialinfo>, <u>, <xref>
Learning plan <abstract>, <b>, <bodydiv>, <change-request-id>, <change-request-system>, <change-revisionid>, <change-summary>, <cite>, <data>, <dd>, <ddhd>, <desc>, <div>, <draft-comment>, <dt>, <dthd>, <entry>, <example>, <figgroup>, <fn>, <i>, <itemgroup>, <lcAge>, <lcAnswerContent>, <lcAnswerContent2>, <lcAssessment>, <lcAttitude>, <lcAudience>, <lcBackground>, <lcChallenge>, <lcDelivery>, <lcEdLevel>, <lcFeedback>, <lcFeedback2>, <lcFeedbackCorrect>, <lcFeedbackCorrect2>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect>, <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>, <lcGapItemDelta>, <lcGeneralDescription>, <lcGoals>, <lcInstruction>, <lcInstructornote>, <lcInstructornote2>, <lcInteractionBase2>, <lcInteractionLabel2>, <lcIntro>, <lcItem>, <lcItem2>, <lcJtaItem>, <lcKnowledge>, <lcLearnStrat>, <lcMatchingItem>, <lcMatchingItem2>, <lcMotivation>, <lcNeeds>, <lcNextSteps>, <lcObjective>, <lcObjectivesStem>, <lcOpenAnswer>, <lcOpenAnswer2>, <lcOrgConstraints>, <lcPlanObjective>, <lcPlanResources>, <lcPrereqs>, <lcProcesses>, <lcQuestion>, <lcQuestion2>, <lcQuestionBase>, <lcQuestionBase2>, <lcResources>, <lcReview>, <lcSkills>, <lcSpecChars>, <lcSummary>, <lcTaskItem>, <lcTime>, <lcValues>, <lcWorkEnvDescription>, <li>, <line-through>, <lines>, <linkinfo>, <lq>, <note>, <overline>, <p>, <ph>, <pre>, <q>, <section>, <sectiondiv>, <shortdesc>, <sli>, <stentry>, <sub>, <sup>, <title>, <tt>, <u>, <xref>