Deploying XDC files to Designer installations

By default, Designer uses the XDC file called Designer.xdc. This file is located in the Designer installation folder. Initially, this file is a default setup file installed with Designer; however, form authors can use other XDC files when printing a form. Typically, form authors use the appropriate printer-specific XDC file when testing their form design to make sure they get the expected results with the target printer.

If a form author requires Designer to use the settings in a new or modified XDC file for testing purposes, copy the modified XDC file to this Designer installation folder. For Designer installed separately from Workbench, place the modified file here:

  • [Installation Directory] \Designer

    For Designer installed with Workbench, place the modified file here:

  • [Installation Directory] \Workbench\Designer\

    When form authors print a form with data, they can select the updated XDC file from a drop-down list in the Print dialog box to verify the output of the form design and data on the target printer. For information about print form designs with data, see Designer Help .