Opening an XDC file

In Workbench, you can open and modify your own XDC files. You can also open template XDC files that you use as starting points for creating your own new XDC files. You must select an XDC file that uses the same PDL as the file you are creating.

In Workbench, you cannot create an XDC file from scratch. Instead, open another XDC file as a template. You can use the sample and template XDC files that are installed with AEM forms server or other XDC files that you created as templates. After you modify the settings in the template, XDC Editor ensures that you provide a unique name for the new XDC file.

If the version of the XDC file on the server has changed, synchronize the file with the server and then open the updated file.

To open a local XDC file

  1. In the Workbench toolbar, select File > Open File.

  2. Navigate to the folder in your local file system that contains the XDC file and click Open.

To open an XDC file in an application

  1. Navigate to the folder in your application that contains the XDC file.

  2. From the Applications view, right-click the XDC file and select Check Out. The checked-out file’s icon changes to one with a green check mark, indicating that it is checked out.

  3. Double-click the file to open it.

Remarque : If you open a file without checking it out first, Workbench prompts you to confirm if you want to check out the file first when you make a change.