Print PDF Package

Print PDF Package is the service for the PrintPDFPackage process that AEM forms Output 9 provides.

The process uses the Assembler, Output, and PDF Utilities services to convert a PDF package to a PostScript file that is suitable for printing.

A PDF package contains multiple documents wrapped in one PDF file. For more information on PDF packages, see the documentation for Acrobat 8.

Invoke operation

Converts a PDF package to a PostScript file.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Property for specifying the input document.


A document value that represents a PDF package, a flat PDF file, or a PDF form.

Output properties

Property for specifying the output document.


The location to store the PostScript document that is suitable for printing. The data type is document .

Invocation Policy properties

Specifies whether to wait for a response after invoking the operation by selecting either Do Not Wait For Response or Wait For Response. The default is Wait For Response .

Do Not Wait For Response

Specifies that no response is required from the server.

Wait For Response

Specifies that a response is required from the server before further processing.

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