Set PDF result and source properties

Use Document Builder to apply properties to the PDF result and source icons. Examples of these properties are the name of the result, PDF/A profiles, and security. Before you begin these tasks, open a DDX file that produces a PDF result.

  1. From the canvas panel, select the PDF result icon.

  2. Supply values where needed. (See PDF result properties you can set from the Result panel .)

  3. For each PDF source icon, select the icon and supply values where needed. (See PDF source properties you can set from the PDF Source panel .)

  4. Save your work and then click Validate to validate the DDX file. (See Validating the DDX Document .)

  5. Click Preview to view an example of the resultant document. (See Previewing the Result from a DDX Document .)

PDF result properties you can set from the Result panel

On the Result panel, you can set properties that are applied to the document that is described by the PDF result icon (called the resultant document ). Select these properties from the Result , File Options , and Security tabs.


Here are the properties you can set in the Result tab:

Name of the resultant document. The name must be unique among all PDF result icons in the DDX document. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the result attribute of the PDF result element.
If the resultant document is returned to the client, other operations in the process can use the specified name to reference the stream.

Return data to the client:
When this check box is selected, the resultant document is returned to the client as a stream. Otherwise, the resultant document is available as transient data, which can be referenced as source from within subsequent PDF result icons. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the return attribute of the PDF result element.

Merge document layers:
When this check box is selected, the layers from different source documents are kept distinct in the assembled document. If you also select the Layer Label: property in the PDF source icon, the names are modified by the label; otherwise, the layers keep the same names. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the mergeLayers attribute of the PDF result element.

Layers are sections of content in a PDF document that document authors or consumers can selectively view or hide. This capability is useful in items such as CAD drawings, layered artwork, maps, and multi-language documents.

Set Result’s Initial view:
Name of an initial view profile and the properties of the profile. If you have defined the profile in another resultant document, specify the name of that profile but do not specify the initial view properties. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the InitialViewProfile element and the initialView attribute of the PDF result element.

File Options

Result Document Type:
This setting determines whether the resultant document is returned as PDF or XDP. Selecting PDF returns the result as a PDF document. Selecting XDP returns the result as an XML Data Packaging (XDP) document. The XDP value can be used only if the base document is an XFA-based PDF document. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the format attribute of the PDF result element.

File Save Option:
After users fill in fields or otherwise modify the resultant document, they direct Acrobat to save the modified file. This property specifies how Acrobat saves the modifications in the resultant document.
Acrobat places changes to the document at the end of the file. The bytes corresponding to the original file are unchanged. Use this setting if you are creating a PDF file that contains one or more signature fields.

Acrobat overwrites any existing incremental saves. This option does not result in optimization for fast web viewing.

Acrobat optimizes and restructures the PDF document for page-at-a-time downloading from web servers. This save causes the removal of any existing incremental saves.

If this attribute is not specified, the save characteristics depend on the PDF level. For PDF 1.4 and later, the DDX processor performs an incremental save, which is relative to the base document. For PDF 1.3 and earlier, the Assembler service performs a full save. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the save attribute of the PDF result element.

The removal of existing incremental saves invalidates signatures, certification, and reader-enabled set on the base document. For example, If a user certifies a PDF document that has the Full file save option, then the certification is invalidated when the user saves the document.

PDF/A Profile Name:
The name of a PDFAProfile that specifies the type of PDF archive to which the result must conform. A value of Default specifies that all the PDFAProfile defaults are used. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the PDFAProfile element and the pdfa attribute of the PDF result element.


Remove all certifying signatures:
Removes certifying signatures in the resultant document. If this property is selected and if forms are not removed in the resultant document, the certifying signature can come only from the base source document. Forms are removed by the placing the NoForms or NoXFA property in the resultant document. Those properties are available on the Page Content panel. The Remove All Certifying Signatures property corresponds to the certification attribute of the PDF result element.
To use a DDX document that removes forms from the resultant document, the Output service must be installed on your AEM forms Server.

Remove all reader rights:
Removes Adobe Reader usage rights, such as the ability to use Adobe Reader to sign, print, or submit a PDF document online. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the readerUsageRights attribute of the PDF result element.

Modify encryption for result:
Adds or removes encryption from the resultant document. If encryption is added, specify the name of an encryption profile and the properties of the profile. If you have defined the profile in another resultant document within the DDX, specify the name of that profile but do not specify the encryption properties. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the PasswordEncryptionProfile element and the encryption attribute of the PDF result element.

PDF source properties you can set from the PDF Source panel

In the PDF Source panel, you can set properties from the Source , Basic , Table of Contents , and Miscellaneous tabs. Examples of these properties are the name of the result, PDF/A profiles, and security.


Name of a single input data stream, an ordered list of data streams, or an external data URL. Each stream or URL must resolve to a document that is PDF or that your AEM forms Server installation can convert to PDF. If your installation includes the Generate PDF service, the document can be any of the file types this service can convert (depending on installation and configuration options). This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the source attribute of the PDF source element.
Instead of specifying this parameter, you can specify the Doc match reg expression: parameter.

Password to open file(s):
Password of the files identified by the PDF source icon. The password is used only if the files are encrypted. If the document is changed before it is added to the resultant document, specify the master password. (See “Working with Secured Documents,” in the Assembler Service and DDX Reference .)

Doc match reg expression:
Selects source names and their associated data streams from the inputs map. Depending on the Match Mode: property, the matched documents are either included in or excluded from the assembled document. If more than one name matches, the names are sorted, as specified in the Sort Order: and Sort Locale: properties. The Assembler service supports the Java regular expressions. (See the Java tutorial Lesson: Regular Expressions .)
Instead of specifying this parameter, you can specify the Source: parameter. If you also specify the Source: parameter, the document is included only if it matches the regular expression regarding the match mode sense.

Match Mode:
Specifies whether the match results are included in or excluded from the document assembly. Select Include to include the matched data streams. Select Exclude to exclude the matched data streams. This parameter applies only when you also provide the Doc match expression: parameter.

Sort Order:
If the regular expression specified in the Doc match expression: parameter matches multiple documents, this attribute specifies the order that those documents are in sorted to create an ordered list of documents. This attribute is not used if the source attribute is specified and it matches an entry in the inputs map. Select Ascending to sort the matched documents in the A-Z ascending order. Select Descending to sort the matched documents in the Z-A descending order. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the sortOrder attribute of the PDF source element.

Sort Locale:
Locale for sorting the names matched by the Match Mode: property. If you provide a value for this property, the value must contain a valid two-character ISO language code (see ISO 639). If you omit this parameter, the sort locale is obtained from the DDX TargetLocale element. Document Builder does not provide an interface for setting the TargetLocale element. However, you can use the Source mode to specify this element by directly editing the DDX document. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the sortLocale attribute of the PDF source element and the sortLocale attribute of the PDF source element.

Include subfolders:
If true, all files in the folder and subfolders are included. The result is a list of documents for the PDF source that maintains the original folder structure. If false, only the files in the specified folder are included. This parameter is used when the Doc match expression: parameter specifies subfolders. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the includeSubFolders attribute of the PDF source element.

Include all docs:
Select this field to include files in the folder and subfolders. The result is a list of documents for the PDF source element that maintains the original folder structure. Deselect this field to include only the files in the specified folder. This parameter is used when the Doc match expression: parameter specifies folders. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the select attribute of the PDF source element.

Just include these docs:
Range of documents to include from the ordered list specified in the Source: parameter or obtained by applying the Doc match expression: property. Leave this field blank if all documents are included. Here are examples of document ranges:
  • 1,3,5 Includes the first, third, and fifth documents from the ordered list of documents.

  • 1-5,8-10 Includes the first through fifth and eighth through tenth documents from the ordered list of documents.

  • 8-last Includes the eighth through last documents from the ordered list of documents.

This parameter is used when the Doc match expression: parameter specifies folders and subfolders. See “Page and document ranges” in the Assembler Service and DDX Reference . This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the select attribute of the PDF source element.

This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the PDF source element’s select attribute.


This is the Base Document:
Select this check box if the PDF source is the base document. The base document provides the initial structure that the Assembler service uses to set certain document-level properties of the resultant document. These properties include document properties, form data, document-level JavaScript code, and viewer preferences. The resultant document can contain only one source identified as a base document. Documents other than the base document only contribute pages, document components (such as bookmarks, links, file attachments), page labels, page content, and page properties. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the baseDocument attribute of the PDF source element.

There must be at least one valid source:
Select this check box if the PDF source must include at least one valid PDF document. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the required attribute of the PDF source element.

Page Range:
Range of pages to include from the source document. Leave this field blank if all documents are included. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the pages attribute of the PDF source element. See “Page and document ranges” in the Assembler Service and DDX Reference .

Table of Contents

Include this document’s bookmarks in the Table of Contents:
Select this check box to include the source document’s bookmark in the table of contents in the resultant document. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the includeInTOC attribute of the PDF source element.

Create a top-level Bookmark for this source:
Select this check box to provide a bookmark title.

Bookmark Title:
A bookmark title that identifies the source document bookmarks. The string value can be specified with an External Data URL that resolves to a string. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the bookmarkTitle attribute of the PDF source element.


Layer Label:
A top-level label under which all the layers of the source document are grouped. This label creates a resultant document that helps users distinguish between layers from different source documents. This label lets you avoid name conflicts in resultant documents. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the layerLabel attribute of the PDF source element.

Link Aliases:
Alternative names for the parent document for use as link destinations. For each link alias for the PDF source, type the name in the Link Aliases field, and then click Add. This parameter corresponds to the DDX property identified as the LinkAlias element.

For more information, see the Assembler Service and DDX Reference.

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