
Enables the manipulation of PDF documents in a process. PDF manipulation is performed according to the commands in a DDX file. (See DDX Reference .)

For information about using the Assembler service, see Services Reference for AEM forms .

Assembler DDX Editor

Use the Assembler DDX Editor dialog box to use DDX elements as a literal value in the operation. You type XML formatted text that contains various DDX elements. DDX elements describe the documents that you want from Assembler. The following is an example of the XML header, DDX root, and a result block that you can type in the Assembler DDX Editor dialog box.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<DDX xmlns="" > 
    <!-- example  of a DDX result block --> 
    <PDF result="out.pdf"> 
        <PDF source="in1.pdf"/> 

For more information about using DDX elements and DDX commands, see the DDX Reference .

Rights Management and Assembler

One possible function of the Assembler service is to combine multiple PDF documents into a single PDF document or PDF Portfolio. You use a DDX file to describe the content of the PDF document or portfolio.

The Rights Management service allows you to lock a PDF document by applying a policy to it. If the DDX file modifies a single PDF document, apply a policy to the document only after it is assembled. If the DDX creates or modifies a PDF Portfolio by adding a locked PDF document as a package file, use a <PackageFiles source> element to include the locked PDF document. The <PackageFiles source> element is also used to include non-PDF documents in a portfolio.

Ensure that you include the .pdf filename extension in the <PackageFiles source> element or a <File> child element. Without the filename extension, the PDF viewing application (for example, Adobe Reader) will not open the file.

For more information about creating PDF Portfolios or packages, see the Assembler service topic in Services Reference for AEM forms and DDX Reference .

invokeDDX operation

Executes the DDX file on the specified map of input documents and returns the manipulated PDF documents.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the input DDX file and optional documents and environmental values.

Input DDX Document

A document value that represents the DDX file to be invoked.

If you provide a literal value, the following buttons are available for specifying DDX file contents:

Ellipsis button  :
Displays the Select Assets dialog box. (See About Select Asset ).

Edit button  :
Displays the Assembler DDX Editor dialog box, in which you can type the DDX elements directly, and then click OK. (See Assembler DDX Editor .) The following is an example of the XML header, DDX root, and a result block.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<DDX xmlns="" > 
    <!-- example  of a DDX result block --> 
    <PDF result="out.pdf"> 
        <PDF source="in1.pdf"/> 
        <PDF source="in2.pdf"/> 

You can also use a template value and type DDX elements directly into the dialog box, which may be useful for testing purposes if you pass DDX elements as process variables.

Input Document Map

(Optional) A map value that represents the documents to be manipulated according to the DDX file. The keys are logical names that are referenced in the DDX file. Each key can reference a document value or a list value that contains document values.

For information about retrieving values from a map or a list, see Accessing data in data collections .

If you provide a literal value, you can add DDX keys and the document values that each key references. For the DDX keys, the following buttons are available for adding and removing keys.

A green plus sign. Add A List Entry:
Adds a DDX key to the list.

A red "X". Delete Selected List Entry:
Removes a DDX key from the list.

For each selected DDX key, the following buttons are available for adding, moving, and removing values that represent a document.

A green plus sign. Add A List Entry:
Adds a document entry to the list.

A red "X". Delete Selected List Entry:
Removes a document entry from the list.

A blue arrowhead pointing up. Move Selected List Entry Up One Row:
Moves the selected document entry up in the list. The list order determines the order in which document entries are used.

A blue arrowhead pointing down. Move Selected List Entry Down One Row:
Moves the selected document entry down in the list.


(Optional) An AssemblerOptionSpec value that specifies environmental options to be used during processing of the DDX.

If you specify a literal value, specify the following values.

Job Log Level:
Sets the log level for this operation. The default is INFO . The following values can be used:
  • OFF : Turn off logging of messages on the server.

  • SEVERE : Log messages only when they indicate a serious failure.

  • WARNING: Log messages that indicate potential problems and serious failures.

  • INFO: Log messages that are for informational purposes, indicate potential problems, and indicate serious failures.

  • CONFIG: Log only static configuration messages.

  • FINE: Log tracing information.

  • FINER: Log fairly detailed tracing information.

  • FINEST: Log highly detailed tracing information.

Remarque : The use of FINE, FINER, and FINEST will negatively impact performance on the server. Use them for debugging purposes only.

Validate Only:
Sets whether the DDX job is a validation-only test, which means that the Assembler service should validate the DDX but not execute it. A value of True indicates that it is a validation only test. The default is False , which indicates that the Assembler service validate and execute the DDX.

Fail On Error:
Determines whether the DDX job should exit immediately and stop the processing of any other result blocks when an exception or error occurs. A value of False means to keep processing the job regardless of whether an exception or error occurs. Exceptions are accessible as output in the throwables data item from the AssemblerResult value. The error representing the exception can be seen in the log file in the jobLog data item. The default of True means that the DDX job should exit immediately, but if your process catches the exception that is thrown, you can access the exception from the jobLog data item in the AssemblerResult value.

Default Style:
The default font style to be set. The font style is the same format as the font attribute for DDX rich text elements: "<font-style> <font-weight> <font-size>/<line-height> <font-family-specifier>" . If no default is specified, "normal normal 12pt 'Minion Pro'" is used.

First Bates Number:
The first numeric value to use for Bates numbering. No default is provided.

Output properties

Property for specifying the output documents.

If the output includes extracted files attachments (package files), the operation creates unique names for each attachment using the naming scheme of [filename of source document] _attach. [page of attachment] . [index of attachment on a page] :

  • [file name of source document] is based on the following rules:

    • The file name of the source document. If an URL was provided, the last segment after the last slash in a URL is used. For example, if a URL of is used, the file name ABC.pdf would be used.

    • If a process URI is used, the portion after the last # character is used for the name. For example, if the process URI process:///process_data/@doc1#doc1.pdf is used, the filename doc1.pdf would be used.

    • The document name from the last path segment of the PDF source attribute in the DDX file.

  • [page of attachment] is the page number which the attachment appears in the source document. For example, if an attachment appears on page 7, the value would be 0007.

  • [index of attachment on page] is of the attachment. This value is important when more than one attachment appears on a page. For example, if there were two attachments that appear on a page, the first one have a value of 0001 and the second attachment would have a value of 0002.

For example, if a source document named PDF123.pdf had two attachments on the first page and 1 attachment on the third page, the names of the attachments would be PDF123.pdf_attach.0001.0001, PDF123.pdf_attach.0001.0002, and PDF123.pdf_attach.0003.0001.

Assembler Result

The location to store the returned documents and DDX results. The data type is AssemblerResult .


This operation can throw an OperationException exception.

invokeDDXOneDocument operation

Executes the DDX file on only one specified document and returns the manipulated PDF document.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the input DDX file, the document to be manipulated using the DDX file, and environmental values.

Input DDX Document

A document value that represents the DDX file to be invoked. Because there is only one document that can be manipulated using this operation, the logical name for the document is inDoc . The PDF source attribute in the DDX file must have the value inDoc . Here is an example:

<PDF source="inDoc"/>

If you provide a literal value, the following buttons are available for specifying DDX file contents:

Ellipsis button  :
Displays the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset ).

Edit button  :
Displays the Assembler DDX Editor dialog box, in which you can type the DDX elements directly, and then click OK. (See Assembler DDX Editor .) The following is an example of the XML header, DDX root, and a result block.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<DDX xmlns="" > 
    <!-- example  of a DDX result block --> 
    <PDF result="out.pdf"> 
        <PDF source="inDoc"/> 

You can also use a template value and type DDX elements directly into the dialog box, which may be useful for testing purposes if you pass DDX elements as process variables.

Input Document

(Optional) A document value that represents the document to be manipulated according to the DDX file. The default logical name for the document is inDoc .

If you provide a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button  displays the Select Asset dialog. (See About Select Asset .)


(Optional) An AssemblerOptionSpec value that specifies environmental options to be used during processing of the DDX.

If you provide a literal value, specify the following values:

Job Log Level:
Sets the log level for this operation. The default is INFO . The following values can be used:
  • OFF : Turn off logging of messages on the server.

  • SEVERE : Log messages only when they indicate a serious failure.

  • WARNING: Log messages that indicate potential problems and serious failures.

  • INFO: Log messages that are for informational purposes, indicate potential problems, and indicate serious failures.

  • CONFIG: Log only static configuration messages.

  • FINE: Log tracing information.

  • FINER: Log fairly detailed tracing information.

  • FINEST: Log highly detailed tracing information.

Remarque : The use of FINE, FINER, and FINEST will negatively impact performance on the server. Use them for debugging purposes only.

Validate Only:
Sets whether the DDX job is a validation-only test, which means that the Assembler service should validate the DDX but not execute it. A value of True indicates that it is a validation only test. The default is False, which indicates that the Assembler service validate and execute the DDX.

Fail On Error:
Determines whether the DDX job should exit immediately and stop the processing of any other result blocks when an exception or error occurs. A value of False means to keep processing the job regardless of whether an exception or error occurs. The default of True means that the DDX job should exit immediately.

Default Style:
The default font style to be set. The font style is the same format as the font attribute for DDX rich text elements: "<font-style> <font-weight> <font-size>/<line-height> <font-family-specifier>" . If no default is specified, "normal normal 12pt 'Minion Pro'" is used.

First Bates Number:
The first numeric value to use for Bates numbering.

Output properties

Property for specifying the output document.

Output Document

The location to store the returned document. The data type is document .


This operation can throw an OperationException exception.

Assembler exceptions

The Assembler service provides the following exceptions for throwing exception events.


Thrown if an error occurs during the invokeDDX operation or invokeDDXOneDocument operation operation.

Remarque : To receive an OperationException exception, ensure that the variable defined to contain the exception data is at least 150 characters long.

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