Date and time parameters

The following table describes the values you can specify for parameters that are related to expressing a date, a time, or information about a locale.




A string that represents a calendar date in the format yyyy-mm-dd :

  • yyyy is the year.

  • mm is the number that represents the month.

  • dd is the calendar day of the month.


A string that represents the time in the format hh:mm:ssZ :

  • hh is the hour, using the 24-hour format.

  • mm is the minutes

  • ss is the seconds

  • Z is the time zone. See the time zone parameter in this table for more information.


A string that represents the date and time in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.


A two-letter code that identifies a country, as specified by ISO 3166. For example, FR identifies France, and US identifies the United States of America.


A two-letter code that identifies a language, as specified by ISO 639. For example en identifies the English language and fr identifies the French language.

time zone

A sequence of characters that identifies the time zone. You can express the time zone either as a value relative to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or using a descriptive identifier.

Time zones relative to GMT are expressed in the format GMTsignhh:mm :

  • sign is either + or - and indicates whether the time zone is ahead of GMT ( + ) or behind GMT ( - ).

  • hh is the difference, in hours, between the time zone and GMT.

  • mm is the number of minutes, in addition to the hours, that the time zone differs from GMT.

For example, a time zone that is five hours ahead of GMT is expressed as GMT+05:00 .

To see a list of descriptive identifiers that you can use instead to express the time zone, see Time zone descriptive identifiers .


A code that specifies a vendor or web browser. For example, WIN specifies Microsoft® Windows® and MAC specifies Apple® Macintosh®. To specify two variants, separate them with an underscore and put the most important variant first.

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