findGroupMembers operation

Retrieves the members of a group that is defined in User Manager. Members are users and groups that belong to the group.

You can retrieve all users of the group, or a subset.

Use the Offset and resultSize properties to retrieve a subset of the user members. Groups include a list of users in a specific order. The Offset property specifies the index of the first user to include in the subset. The resultSize property specifies the number of users to include. Indexes of members are zero-based.

Remarque : The Offset and resultSize properties affect only the users that are returned. All groups that are members of the targeted group are always returned.

For example, consider a group with seven members user0 through user6 . A value of 2 is used for the Offset property, and a value of 3 for the resultSize property. The operation returns the third, fourth, and fifth members of the group, user2 through user4 .

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties . In addition, this operation provides the following property groups and exceptions:

Input properties

Output properties


Input properties

Properties for specifying the group and members to retrieve from the group.


A Group value that represents the User Manager group to retrieve members from.


An int value that specifies the index of the first user to include in the subset of users to return. The index of the member list is zero-based.


An int value that specifies the number of users to retrieve. Its default values are 10 and 1000 respectively.

Output properties

Properties for specifying where to store operation results.


The location to store the returned list of Group values. Each group value represents a group that is retrieved from the searched group. For example, to save the results in a variable, select a list variable that stores Group values.


The location to store the returned list of User values. Each User value represents a user account that is retrieved from the group. For example, to save the results in a variable, select a list variable that stores User values.

For information about retrieving values from a list, see Accessing data in data collections .


The exception event attached to this operation can receive UMException exceptions.

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