
A string value that represents the type of changes that an end user can perform on a PDF document without invalidating the certification signature. It is used in the Certify PDF operation operation of the Signature service. These string values are valid:

The end user is permitted to fill in the form, instantiate page templates, and sign the form.

The end user is permitted to fill in the form, instantiate page templates, sign the form, and create annotations, deletions, and modifications.

The end user is not permitted to change the form. Any change invalidates the signature.

For information about configuring default properties, see Datatype specific settings .

Datatype specific settings

Sets the types of changes allowed on a PDF document without making the certification signature invalid. Select one of these values:

No Changes Allowed:
No changes to the document are permitted. Any change invalidates the signature.

Form Fill-in and Digital Signatures:
Permitted changes include filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing.

Annotations, Form Fill-in, and Digital Signatures:
Permitted changes include filling in forms and instantiating page templates, as well as creating, deleting, and modifying annotations.

Mentions légales | Confidentialité et sécurité