complex data type that you can use as the value for the URL Options
properties of the renderFormGuide,
renderHTMLForm operation (deprecated)
renderPDFForm operation
and operations that the Forms service provides. The variable holds
URI values that are required by the Forms service when rendering
For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions,
Data items
For information about configuring default properties, see
Datatype specific settings
Data items
The data items that
that represents the root of the URL that is used to access application-specific
web content. This value is combined with the value of the targetURL
property to construct an absolute URL. (See
that represents the URL that is the HTTP-equivalent of the content
root URI and is required for HTML transformations that include HREF references
to external dependencies, such as images or scripts. When a dependency
path is absolute, this value is ignored. This data item is only
applicable for the
renderHTMLForm operation (deprecated)
renderHTMLForm operation
that represents the URI or an absolute reference to a location from
which forms are retrieved. This value is combined with the value
of the Form To Render property of the operations that the variable
is used with.
This value can reference these sources:
The repository contains assets that you upload to AEM forms
Server. The value
references the
root of the repository. The first two forward slashes are part of
the protocol (repository://) and the third forward slash represents
the root of the repository.
Directory in the file system of the AEM forms Server:
A location on AEM forms Server, such as C:\
Using a location on the server is not recommended if you want to
maximize the portability of the application.
Network directory:
A location on the network such as \\
[folder name].
Web location that is accessible by using HTTP:
After uploading a file to a location on a web server, you
can specify the location using an URL, such as http://
[server name]
[port number]
[folder name]
that represents the URL to a web service or Java servlet that receives
data from the client software when a user submits the form. If targetURL is
not an absolute URL, it is combined with the value of applicationWebRoot
to construct an absolute URL. (See
application endpoint that the URL identifies must provide an implementation,
such as a Java servlet, that processes the posted data.
Datatype specific settings
Properties for setting the default values of the variable
Application Web Root
Sets the URL representing the root location that
is used to access application-specific web content. This value is
combined with the value of the Target URL option to construct an
absolute submit URL.
Target URL
Sets the URL to access a web service or Java servlet
that receives data from the client application when a user submits
the form. Setting a value in this option sets the target URL in
the form design to the value specified by this property. If this
option is not an absolute URL, it is combined with the value from
the Application Web Root option to construct an absolute URL.
Content Root URI
Sets the URI or an absolute reference, which
specifies the location in the repository to retrieve a form design.
This value is combined with the value of the Form To Render property
in this operation to construct an absolute path to the form. You
can use these sources for a URI or absolute reference:
The repository contains assets that you upload to AEM forms
Server. The value
references the
root of the repository. The first two forward slashes are part of
the protocol (repository://) and the third forward slash represents
the root of the repository. For example, the documents folder is created
below the root of the repository.
Directory in the file system of the AEM forms Server:
A folder on AEM forms Server, such as C:\
Using a location on the server is not recommended if you want to
ensure portability of your application.
Network directory:
A folder on the network.
Web location that is accessible by using HTTP:
A folder accessible using an URL.
Base URL
Sets the URL, which is the HTTP-equivalent of the
Content Root URI. This value is required only when you render HTML
forms (
renderHTMLForm operation (deprecated)
renderHTMLForm operation
that include HREF references to external dependencies, such as images
or scripts. When a dependency path is absolute, this value is ignored.
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