Inspect Protected Document operation

Retrieves license metadata for the specified policy-protected document.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Property to specify the document from which to extract license metadata.

Input RM protected PDF or MS Office Document

A document value that represents the document from which to extract license metadata. This value must represent a PDF or Microsoft Office file secured by document security.

If you supply a literal value, click the ellipsis button  to open the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset .)

Output properties

Property to specify the license metadata.

RM Inspect Result

(Optional) The license metadata. The data type is RMInspectResult .

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the RM Inspect Result list. Click the plus sign button  to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables ).


This operation can throw an SDKException exception.

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