
A complex data type that stores the results of the Get Linked LC Assets Location operation in the following services:

Content Repository Connector for EMC Documentum

Content Repository Connector for IBM FileNet

Content Repository Connector for IBM Content Manager

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

Data items

The data items that IGetLinkedLCAssetsLocationResult variable contains. The value in the linkedLCAssetsFolderPath item is a combination of the values in the linkedLCAssetsName and linkedLCAssetsURL. For example, if the form name is Form.xdp, and the form is located in folder /Docbase/forms/, then the form template path in the repository is /Docbase/forms/Form.xdp.


A string value that specifies the complete path to the form template in the AEM forms repository.


A string value that specifies the name of the form template.


A string value that specifies the path to the folder that contains the form template in the AEM forms repository.

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