
A complex data type that holds the results of Forms service operations. FormsResult variables are used to store the results of a Forms service operation, such rendering result, the button that the user clicked to submit the form, and the locale of the form. See the Data items section for complete information.

You can create FormsResult variables to save the value of the Forms Result property for each of these operations:

processFormSubmission operation


renderHTMLForm operation (deprecated)

renderHTMLForm operation

renderPDFForm operation

renderPDFForm operation(deprecated)

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

Data items

The data items that FormsResult variables contain.


A short value that indicates the processing state of the operation when it provided the result. The state indicates whether interaction between the Forms service and the client application, such as a web browser, is complete. These values are valid:

Interaction is complete and validated XML data is ready to be processed.

The data contains calculation results that must be returned to the web browser so that the user can view the results.

Calculations and validations must be written to the web browser.

(HTML transformations) The current page has changed with results that must be written to the web browser.

(HTML transformations) The current page has changed with results that must be written to the web browser.


A list of document values that represent (PDF) file attachments that were part of the rendered form. For information about retrieving data items from a list value, see Accessing data in data collections .


A string value that represents the character set encoding that was used, such as ISO-8859-1 , UTF-8 , or SHIFT_JIS . For a complete list of character sets, see .


A string value that represents an XML architecture Scripting Object Model (SOM) expression that identifies the last button that was clicked a form. A SOM expression references objects, properties, and methods within a Document Object Model (DOM). The following example code is a SOM expression:


The items Untitled and main represent branches in the form's DOM hierarchy. The name of the button on the form is ButtonHello . For information about the XML architecture, see Adobe XML Forms Architecture .


A string value that represents the MIME content type of the data that the Forms service generated. These string values are valid:

  • text/xml

  • text/html

  • application/xml

  • application/pdf

  • application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml

If the MIME content type is text/html , the character set encoding that was used is appended to the value, such as text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" .


A string value that represents the filename of the form that was rendered.


A string value that language used to send validation messages to the client application, such as web browsers. For a complete list of supported locale codes, see .


A string value that represents an ampersand-delimited list of options that were used for the operation.


A document value that holds the data that the Forms service generated. Depending on the value of the action data item, the content is sent back to the client application for further processing.


A string value that represents the data that the Forms service generated. If the data is binary, this value is an empty string.


An int value that indicates the output type of a form that is rendered as HTML. These values are valid:

The form is rendered within HTML elements (a complete HTML page).

The form is rendered within body elements (not a complete HTML page).


A document value that holds XML or HTML data modified by client application. It is possible to enhance HTML forms by adding elements not supported by the Forms service. For example, the client application can change an input element to be a password type, which is not a supported element.


A long value that holds the total number of pages within the generated output.


A long value that holds the current page number in an HTML form. The page number of the first page is zero. This data item is not relevant form guides or PDF forms.


A string value that represents the actual transformation performed. These string values represent what was render operation occurred:

The Forms service rendered a PDF form, which also includes a PDF form with merged data.

The Forms service rendered a form guide.

The Forms rendered an HTML form. The format of the HTML depends on the value of the Transform To property. See the TransformTo data type for more information about each format.


A document value that contains validation errors as UTF8-encoded XML. This information is useful to client applications that want to access errors directly after the operation executes, but before any content is returned. The following XML shows the valid format:

    <!-- page level errors --> 
    <pages /> 
        <!-- field level errors --> 
            <message>Mandatory Field</message> 


A document value that holds UTF8-encoded XML data from the Forms service when the Populate XML Data property is set to True. The Populate XML Data property is enabled using the Render Options properties of processFormSubmission operation operation. The XML data is based on the current processing state of the form and the result of any calculations. The result of a calculation is indicated when the value of the FSAction data item is Calculate. The result of a calculation is not always the same result as the XML data returned after a form is submitted. A form is submitted when the FSAction data item is a value of Submit.

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